Tips to a wholehearted life πŸ’–πŸŒŸπŸŽ―

There are always 2 sides to everything including our own selves, within everyone there is good there is bad, there is beautiful and ugly, there is high & low. What you want to take entirely depends on you. It’s better to take the good and the beautiful in you and at the same time let it confront to the shadow side of you.

When you are able to confront the shadow side and the light side of you, is when your power is put in service of good.

Image Source - Pixabay

These tips will help one to balance the polarities within and bringing a wholeheartedness to life.

The Daredevil attitude when it comes to heart matters – Its ok to accept challenges and go ahead without knowing where exactly you are going to land. Life is all about exploring and being on an adventure roller coaster. It’s ok to take risk for something that you are passionate about. When you grow old have some stories for your children, grandchildren. I am sure you do not want to die saying, I was a very self-centered, self-loving, self-protective person.

Confront the Shadow side of you with opposing truths – Let yourself integrate with all the experiences of life. Let Knowledge and success come face to face with ignorance and failure. Allow the integration of the bright and beautiful in you happen with the shadow side of yourself. Let your benevolence also meet your ego and generosity meet greed. When you come to a position of saying I am all of the above you will be able to embrace the brokenness of your life and integral part of your life. Wholeness does not only mean perfection, when you are able to accept every bit of you, the circle of life gets completed.

Extend your benevolence to others and accept their shadow side with the same kindness as you would do your’s – It’s the most difficult thing to do isn’t it. You can accept the shadow side of you but you cannot accept the same with others. The beauty is to extend that same alien side of yours to others. Empathy is one key factor here, What you can tolerate with your own self the same generosity can be extended beyond you.

Think beyond you –What kind I do that brings a change in the society for good. This would ask you to come out of the zone of self-centeredness. Broaden your horizons, get out of obsessions with being effective as measured with short term results. Practice the selfless giving, something that each one of us has the capacity to do. Bring the radical shift from ME to WE

Avoid hurting anyone -Joy and suffering both comes as a part of being human. We are very well able to handle our Joy but when it comes to suffering we don’t know what to do and how to manage them we react in ways that are harmful. That can be harmful for us as well as others. When we aim it at us we abuse our own selves and we direct it on others that can transform into feeling of hatred, jealousy, anger resulting into hurting each other. Accept the suffering with an understanding that it’s a part of living and also inevitable.

Please add on your tips to this list and spread the goodness around.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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