Yay! Ten Years on... Still going strong!

Time flies

The last decade has zoomed by. I know this because exactly ten years ago I was basking in the Sinai sun on a luxury hotel complex in Sharm El Sheikh. With me, was my new bride aka the most beautiful woman in the World.

Ten years and three young kids later, there was no visit to exotic climates to mark our special anniversary. It was just a day spa break, dinner and an overnight stay. Most importantly it was just the two of us.

The separation…

We always find it difficult leaving the baby and the other two girls for even a few hours without one of us. I confess, I struggle with it even more than my wife. This would be the first time we’ve left them with someone else overnight. Even though that ‘someone else’ was their grandma and they were surrounded by their aunts and cousins, and we were literally a 15 minute drive away!!

Love rekindled

It’s amazing how easy it is to rekindle the romance once you put dirty nappies, the school run, work woes and bills on the back-burner for 24 hours. And we did that. It was great to reconnect we what started this great adventure into married life and raising a family.

Ride or die

I remember when I bought the engagement ring. I broke my bank at the time to buy the biggest diamond ring I could afford. With only £500, the diamond was tiny. Squint and you would miss it!


I remember my wife told me at the time, "don't worry, you can buy me a bigger one on our tenth anniversary". That date with destiny, which seemed a lifetime away, has arrived.

Now however our priorities have changed radically. As has our appreciation of money. The big diamond ring promise will be honoured, however as a family we have bigger fish to fry for now. Being a "ride or die chick", my wife is willing to forgo the superficial while we make sure the foundations are solid.

Just the start…

So we embark onto the second decade of our union. The love and the bond as strong as ever. It feels like our adventure is just beginning.

Here's to the next ten years being even better than the first!!


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