The Best Sleeping Position for Your Health

Neuroscientists have found that even the posture for sleep affects your state of health. Sleep not only affects our appetite, mood, and libido, but also activates the body's cells, improves memory and learning new information and clears the brain of useless data. The latter is particularly important. Just as the body needs to output waste, the brain needs to get rid of unnecessary information.
For those who do not get enough sleep, the risk of chronic diseases, including such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity, and even cancer, are much higher.

Therefore, sleep - vital. When I have a lack of sleep I'm very irritable. And my family and friends it is better not to talk and not even look at me until I had a good sleep.

According to research by neuroscientists, the most useful is the posture for sleep - sleep on your side. I did not know that all my life I sleep well. Only from time to time to change sides.

"It is interesting that the majority of people and even animals in the wild just prefer to sleep on your side - notice the scientists of the University of Rochester (USA). - Apparently, we initially chose for himself a sleeping posture to most effectively clean your brain from the accumulated in it for the day of exchange of products. "
Sleeping on your side is useful for those who snore, has an airway problems, who are sick neck, back and pregnant women.

Here are some simple guidelines for a healthy and quality sleep:

  • Lie on your side. Pull a little leg
  • Choose a comfortable pillow. She has good head support
  • Hold a small pillow knees or ankles. The spine will be straightened state
  • Listen to the sounds of sleep / favorite music / TV or count sheep

Good and healthy sleep you!!!

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