The Sultan of swing

Russian "sanctions", the Middle East "absention" & "controlling" Iran's nukes, the genius of President Barack Hussein Obama is on full display even in his last days.
No lame duck will the great community organizer be.
How much more can the Nobel Peace Prize winner damage America & the world?
Wonder what you think?

The Sultan of Swing

O to be my brothers’ Sultan of swing.

It’s just a junior varsity thing .

Rent-an-Ayatollah. 10 year contract.

Give Iran Iraq back.

Just war. Just crap.

We ain’t exceptional. That’s that.

Wright & Alinsky: more to learn.

Nero: he fiddled while Rome burned.

In various iterations, "Sultan of Swing" has been previously published on Medium, Instagram & Only Rhymes.

All Obama images from Jon McNaughton whose work has my highest recommendation.

There is a new hope, though.

Carter : Obama :: Reagan : Trump

Also see, Sykes, Picot, ISIS & remodelling the Middle East

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