Quick Question #1

This is Number One of an ongoing series where I, @nonameslefttouse the writer, take the tough questions from all over the world... and You, the reader, come up with the simple answers. Sometimes the questions will be serious, sometimes not. All answers are good answers. Who knows? This might even save a life.

Today's big question comes from Mike. Mike lives way up there in... sorry if I butcher this.... "Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan." He asks:

"When I'm trying to get somewhere. I read and drive. I text and drive. I drink coffee and drive. I drink and drive. I tried burgers once... but for some strange reason I have no drive when I drive. It's just not that interesting anymore. What sorts of things do YOU, the reader, do when you get bored of texting and driving? How do you spend your time in the car? What sorts of things should I be watching for when I do finally put the phone down? How many questions am I allowed to ask?"

Well there you have it folks. I'm sure we've got some experts in the crowd. I know I, @nonameslefttouse the writer, won't be able to answer this one. Not without your help that is. It says here on the card, "Mike can be sensitive at times"...but that doesn't matter because on this show everyone has freedom to say it how it is. Oh, and don't forget to answer Mike...I think he's still on hold. First Caller? We're live!

~subliminal message about upvoting and reading previous @nonameslefttouse for enjoyment as well~
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