The Things I Don't Know About Me

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself is human too.

Today? I talk.


Do I feel like saying anything? Not really.

One of those days? Yes. Not much different than many more before it.

Feeling defeated? That never matters. I heal.

What happened? Highs and lows.

That's life? Indeed.

Where do we go from here? Forward.

What happened? Nothing.

This doesn't sound like nothing... What does it sound like?

This does not sound right and I should know. I am you. It's hard to tell sometimes.

Things are going well so why feel down? I never said I was down.

Are you going to play the sympathy card? I cut those up.

So why are we here? To speak my mind.

But you are not saying anything. What is there to say?

Will you be okay? Of course.

Do you mean that? Why would I lie to myself?

They might think you're imperfect. I never claimed to be perfect.

What's wrong? Nothing.

How can this be nothing? What makes it something?

Well it sure sounds like there's something wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! What is wrong with you!

Easy there tiger! Talking helps. Tell me. Tell you what?

Tell me what's bothering you. Why?

So you start to feel better. How can I possibly feel better?

Listen, you're being incredibly stubborn right now. I'm only trying to help. I don't need help.

Sure seems like you do, buddy! Listen, asshole! Let's start over. Where did we go wrong?

That's what I've been asking you this entire time! Exactly!

How are you today? Good. Thanks for asking.

Oh. My bad. Mmmhmm

I'll guess I'll see you later then? Yeah, probably go for a shave soon.

You haven't shaved in months though. It's called a beard!

No art today? What are you talking about! It's right down here.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Two Face One Evil.jpeg
Two Face One Evil

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I like these words here. Me too!"

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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