WEEK 9- 15 DECEMBER. Is this hand with a cup of fragrant Turkish coffee coming for me? 7 original photos and the best posts by @olga.maslievich

Hi friends! Here's the year comes to an end! People at this time sum up the and prepare for merry Christmas holidays in the family circle. It's time to buy gifts for the holiday of Nicholas. 

I am glad that I have a STEEMIT community where I have a lot of good communication and fun!  I learn about traditions and culture in different countries, thanks to my friends here and this creates new dreams about real travels, which, I believe, are waiting for me soon, thanks to the incomes in Steemit!

Today, I am again writing my weekly report, where I show my works, which is the best in my opinion. Here you can see the contrast between summer and winter in Ukraine! I think that you may have not seen everyone. Enjoy with me! 

 New Year's holiday with dancing of blue angels!

 White fluffy beast in a snowy fairy tale!

  Walking in the camomile field! Original photos by @olga.maslievich

 If you go left, you will find entertainment! If you go straight, you'll find the mind!

 We came to the valley of fairy tales! There was a red 3 - headed snake! 

The stones that bloom... 4 original photos of the unique stones of the Kazantip Reserve

Soul seeks to beautiful....

Thank you for reading my blog! Have a nice day! 

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