When life doesn't go according to plan OR The beginnings of an unexpected adventure


Some of you may be aware, if you've followed Asher's blogs (@abh12345), that we have just recently embarked on a new journey - a big move to the French island of Reunion, in the Indian Ocean.

Just over a month ago, I landed a job on this paradise island as a Montessori guide/educator in a small school. After going through the usual interviews and email exchanges, I was offered the position and couldn't be more excited. Asher being the ultimate "sun worshipper" that he is, was elated at the thought of moving there and, it goes without saying, totally on board.

What could go wrong right?

Well, I have not told you much about my life (yet), but what I can tell you now is that I have had my fair share of surprises when it comes to starting new jobs.
I have almost always worked abroad - away from my home country which is France.

At the age of 23, after finishing my studies in Tourism (I really just wanted to be a professional tourist), I realized how incredibly mundane and downright boring my life was in Paris - I got my TEFL certificate and set out to discover new pastures as an English teacher in Vietnam. Why Vietnam you say? Meh... why the hell not?!

What started out as a year abroad, became a 14 year venture - still working and travelling to this day :)

From Vietnam (7 years) to Japan (1 year), with a few long stops here and there in California, where my ex-boyfriend had his ties, I discovered a new way of travelling which deeply shaped the person that I am today. You see, I was never a huge fan of visiting a country and playing the typical tourist game for a week or two. Yes, working abroad provided me with all of that, but it was also so much more. Living long-term in a country that is so far from anything that resembles home with all its comfort, routine and familiarities teaches you a lot about yourself... A LOT! You learn to observe, to adapt, to take on challenges you would never have dreamed of being faced with. But more on that in later posts.

At the tender age of 30 (yes, tender... I am much older now), needing to give more meaning to my teaching career (if you can call that a "career"), and realizing that education is so much more than a person facing a group of children feeding them with words and knowledge they may or may not use, I took a slight turn and became a certified AMI Montessori teacher. Best decision ever.

I have since worked in Hong Kong (3 years), mainland China (a crazy few months...), and Spain last year. With a few long travelling breaks in between. Of course, everybody needs a break, especially when you are a teacher. To all the teachers out there, take the time to breathe (if you can). This job is so intense, it's easy to lose your sanity :)

Ok focus. I'm rambling.


@abh12345 and I being tourists in Paris on the morning of our flight

So here we are, all packed up and ready for the next move to Reunion Island. An easy move for me as it is a territory of France.
For once: no working visa, no extra insurance and other annoying last minute preps. Just a whole lot of baggage to move my life from one place to another, once again.

Sunshine and happy days with my boyfriend, exploring a brand new place filled with exciting discoveries, and to top it off my bosses seem super nice and very professional - at least from the 2-hour long Skype interview I had with them. I mean, a 2-hour long visual interview should tell you a lot about the people you have in front of you, right?


It is a gamble. It is ALWAYS a gamble.


With this in-flight feature you're not just trapped in a box travelling blindly from point A to point B anymore... You're sitting in a CHAIR, up in the SKY, travelling at speeds of up to 900KM/H. FOR REAL! Right in front of your face!

Stay tuned for the next episode where I will tell you all about our arrival on the island, exploring the capital St Denis during our first few days, meeting my bosses for the first time and the insane roller-coaster of emotions that has been spinning my head upside down for the past 3 days... To be continued.

Reunion Collage.jpg

Preview collage of what is to come in my following posts.

Map Location: !steemitworldmap -20.998427 lat 55.5777763 long Reunion-Island D3SCR


All photos in this blog were taken with my Sony Xperia Z3.

Don't hesitate to leave comments, ask questions, and share ideas - I love to hear from all of you.

To view some of my previous posts, click on the links below:

The treasures left behind by my great-grandfather #3

The treasures left behind by my great-grandfather #2

FOOD! Nom nom nom

Winter Wonderland 2

“Learning is not a race for information, it is a walk of discovery” - Jane Healy

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