Emotional manipulator and how to deal with them ! Part 2

The emotional manipulator may be your boss, your colleague and even your favorite person. I am sure you know them. Everyone has at least one such known, and some, unfortunately, more.  The good news is that if you set your mind to this wave, you can quickly recognize the behavior of the emotional manipulator and not distort it. Here's how: 

 The emotional manipulator assumes the role of the assistant. If you ask the manipulators for help, they will almost always agree. But then you will get it through your nose. As they help you, they will groan and wonder how difficult it is, how long it takes them ... To make it clear that they do not enjoy it at all, and that they make a big sacrifice for you. If you tell them to stop, you will most likely be angry with the whims. Then they will bruise: "NATURAL that I will do it! Who else will do it!" In the end, you will again feel guilty that you have committed them. And you will definitely be their big debtors! So do not pay attention to groans - go out , take a shower or stroll until they're done.

If you are in a relationship where it seems to you that you have to record what the other person has told you to remind him , then they manipulate you. The emotional manipulator always manages to turn things around to get rid of his words. He will explain, explain, draw water from the nine wells, only to convince you that you have gone wrong. He is so skillful in his lies that you can stand in front of a whiteboard, be told that it is black, and finally really start doubting your judgment. What is the medicine? Really record the words of the other. I talk seriously! This will prevent any attempt to reverse the truth at a later stage. Of course if you get there, you have to seriously ask yourself what you are actually doing with this guy ...

Manipulator will not tell you in the right text what he thinks. He will often tell you through someone else. Or will it show you through frescoes and deliberate no action. This type of people are passively aggressive. They will do so to guess how unhappy they are without telling you directly. 

The emotional manipulator always needs more sympathy than you. In other words, if your head is hurt, the emotional manipulator will say there may have heart attack. Whatever situation you are, he  has already experienced it ... only many times worse. That is why it is difficult for such people to have a normal dialogue. They somehow manage to divert the conversation and direct it to themselves. However, if you have the impatience to tell them something about it, they will show you how deeply you have affected them. What do you do? Just stop the conversation.

If you ever feel you are manipulated just make sure you will stay away from the people who do,  best way cut all contacts.

 Note :

 I think a lot about these matters these days,as every one can see from my blog. Some of my posts are inspired from real people , some are just try to understand better myself and do the best to become better person. This article is attempt to actually look over myself ! 


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                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


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