You know how there was like the industrial revolution or whatever? 

And then people started working in factories? And everyone moved to the cities where the jobs were, and you couldn't really make a living just farming for yourself? The world is kind of returning to a pre-industrial revolution age...where people are once again starting to "farm" on their own. 

The reason I say that is because the whole factory idea developed into the corporate system or model...

And then, all of a sudden, that whole model started to fail, and now, an increasing number of people are not working normal jobs anymore but are self employed or so-called solopreneurs.

Also I think of big corporates sometimes as just a bunch of entrepreneurs who are like pooling their income and expenses, you know what I mean? 

I am a freelance translator, and my income can fluctuate by 400% or more per month. So what if 100 freelancers like me all pooled all our expenses and income together...and we divide them a little more equally every month. 

Then we start a kind of hierarchy or something.

You know, with managers or executives or whatever and a CEO or directors, so that things run smoothly and to prevent or sort out conflicts. My overall earnings over a year would be less...but my income per month would be more constant, you know what I mean?  It will work really well if we can keep the system friendship and good-faith based. 

What if people start distrusting each other?

Maybe appoint some managers to just check that no one is cheating or piggy-backing on other people's work. And maybe one head honcho to check that the managers are supervising the translators properly.  

We would probably also appoint a few administrative support people who would help us take advantage of economies of scale from an admin point of view.

Before long what will we have? A CORPORATE, YAY! 

Danger is then some guy like a private equity company or venture capital company will come along and buy the company, sell the half the translators...and take it public in an IPO at a ridiculously high price/earnings ratio

It is like buying insurance for your income. 

In bad months you get a little more, and in good months you make less. Is that not what companies are, from an employee’s perspective?  The farming now, is not like with soil and plants and animals and stuff, but more digital and with networks and social media and cryptocurrencies and whatever. I heard this word solopreneur that makes me think about it. Let me know what you think!   

Here's an article that explains the difference between a solopreneur and an entrepreneur.

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