What Luck! Now, What Do I Do?

I'm a tad sloppy. I get home during the week, take off my work clothes and let them fall to the floor. After a week of work, piles begin to form. I live alone so I do not have anyone telling me to clean up (though my girlfriend seems to always know and tells me I should clean. How does she always know?).

So, on Sundays, I do just that. I do my laundry, pick up and put away anything on the floor and vacuum. One of the things I do before vacuuming is pick up any coins that may have fallen from my pockets when I throw my pants on the floor. I had a few and tossed them into my penny jar and this is what happened:

At first, I didn't think anything of it. in fact, I was going to push it back into my penny jar before it fell back onto the floor. But, then, I remembered the episode in the Twilight Zone where a guy tossed a penny and it landed on its side. The rest of the day, good things happened to him until he knocked it over later that day (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Penny_for_Your_Thoughts_(The_Twilight_Zone) ).

I though I must be blessed with luck! Great things must be destined for me. What should I do?

Should I buy a lottery ticket?
Should I go to Pala Casino and play poker?
Should I enter a running race with the expectation everyone else will drop out so I can win?
Should I pitch that idea to the boss and he will not laugh at me?
Should I get a bookie and bet every dime on that 135 to 1 long shot?

Should I ask that Brazilian supermodel, the one that won't complain about how messy I am, out on a date?
Should I put my business card in that fish bowl at Buffalo Wild Wings so me and my friends can get a free lunch?
Should I go to a Chinese restaurant and see what the fortune cookie says?
When I go to dinner tonight, should I do 75 in a 35 miles an hour zone?
Should I dig in the cereal box and see what the prize is at the bottom?

At a railroad crossing, should I cross anyway even though I see an oncoming train?
Do I go sky diving today?
Should I let a black cat cross my path, walk under a latter or break a mirror with no fear?
Should I ask my girlfriend to do all the weird things I've always wanted to do?
Should I try to pick up a 7-10 split at the bowling ally?

Oh, jeez! The Dodgers (my favorite baseball team) just blew a two run lead in the bottom of the ninth and lost!

I knocked the penny back into the penny jar.

Visit my blog at http://www.reallysorefeet.com

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