Anger- One of the worst human vice | And how to manage it

Everybody has some amount of anger in them. Some have a lot, some have less. Some show it, some don't.


Anger is one of the worst of the human vices.

It is the driving factor for revenge, war, hatred and destruction. It makes people do things that normally they won't do in a calm mood.
And once they have done it, guilt follows.

Being angry is normal

Everyone becomes angry at some point of time which could be for various reasons. Maybe you are angry because your boss gives you a lot of work to do on weekends, or because someone broke the headlight of your car accidentally , or because you didn't recieve much upvotes after you have spent an hour on a post.
Sometimes very simple things like not getting a window seat on a bus ride, or the vendor not having your favourite flavour of icecream can make us angry.
The point is - its normal! You are a human being, you will be angry sometime and that's okay.

How much is bad?

Excess of everything is bad.

But when we are talking about anger, a large amount of it can be devastating.
Wars happen because one country made another country angry. Same goes for murder, vandalism, bullying etc.
It is anger that leads to hatred and hatred leads to crimes.

How to calm down


  • Evaluate the situation. Maybe you're getting angry without any reason.
  • Count. This is the best way. If you're angry and seem to be losing yourself to anger start counting.
  • Take deep breaths. This one is self explanatory.
  • Think positively.
  • Have some control on yourself. Don't just go and punch him on the face the moment someone pisses you off. Think before you do anything.

Thanks for reading. Hope you liked it. Feel free to comment, follow and upvote.

Steem on!!
Image source: Pexels

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