Day 10 - Expect Good Things To Happen To You - 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

Day 10- Expect good things

"My mother used to say to me, and I had 6 brothers and sisters, and she would send us out the door every morning, saying: Expect good things, and I expect to hear about it at the end of the day"- Sonia Choquette

Is this another "think positive" prompt that only works in movies like "The Secret"?

Before we go on, I want to say I have nothing against the movie "The Secret". At the time I've watched it, it opened my mind for new ways of seeing the world and has given me the impulse I needed to start working on myself in a different way.

But, as you have also probably noticed, positive thinking alone is not enough to achieve your dreams, to become a millionaire, to meet the perfect partner or whatever your dream is.

Yes, positive thinking is a big part of achieving your dreams. But it's nothing if it is not accompanied by positive emotions and consistent, ethical actions.

So in today's task we only scratch the surface of what it means to create the right positive mindset.

Day 10 - Expect Good Things To Happen To You

Today, as you get out of your house, expect only good things to come your way. Throughout the day keep coming back to this state of curiosity and joyful anticipation of the wonderful things that life has prepared for you. And at the end of the day, share them with your loved ones.

A great tool to help you get in this state, especially in situations where you feel stuck or annoyed, that I've tested myself with wonderful results, is to ask these questions:

"How does it get any better than this? And what else is possible?"

Why do open questions like these work much better than affirmations?

Because our minds are too smart and we can't trick them by repeating something like a broken record.

I've noticed this as soon as I tried one.

Here's the dialogue that would go on in my mind:

Me, practicising an affirmation: "I am rich, I have more money than I need to fulfill all my needs and desires."
My mind: "Really? Have you checked your wallet and your bank account lately? Who are you kidding?"

Boom! There goes the positive affirmation down the drain.

But whenever I ask the open question "How does it get any better than this?" my mind has no reason to contradict me.

There is no statement she can oppose. And she has something to work on as she needs to find the answer to the question.

That's why I invite you to try and hack your mind into creating the reality that you want by asking this question.

Try it today, whether it is something you want more of or something you want to change.

Notice your internal dialogue and what happens when you are in this state of expecting good things to happen to you.

And have fun with it.

Happy New Mindful Year!

P.S. Here's an interview with Sonia Choquette where she talks about how her mother taught her the mantra of expecting good things. She talks about it around the 7th minute if you are in a hurry.

photo source: Pinterest

I'm a psychologist, intuitive coach, blogger and vlogger. You can find me mainly on my blog at Being Raluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening and sexuality. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @raluca.

Raluca Popescu

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