I got a call from an old friend, bringing in nostalgia for a visit. 🌚🌒🌓🌔🌝

A call from an old friend

I got a call from an old friend today. I haven't heard from him in a while. He hasn't been responding to text or calls. I was getting worried about him to be honest, but it's not completely unlike him to fall off the radar. He says things are going very well. He is happy, he met a girl. I am happy for him, but I miss the past.

Nostalgia is not always welcome

This feeling of nostalgia is hard for me. I crave all the moments that ever were all at once. This accumulation of experience only seems to get heavier on the emotions with time. All the joys, as well as all the pains, seem to compound upon each other. People come and go in our lives. Sometimes, even when the feelings remain the same, the circumstances do not.

Nothing lost

I have no love lost for any of my old friends or ex lovers who are no longer a part of my regular life. I wish they were all still here with me, but they are chasing their dreams, as I am chasing my dreams.

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Grady Brown


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