Hello fellow Steemians! Tis... the season in our lives....over here in s. Utah....to be amending our garden beds...by feeding the living soil with materials that feed our worms and other living colonies within the soil. Those critters make the true magic happen in the soil!!!!!!
I'll discuss TWO of those amendments ..in this post.
The first main amendment we use is ROCK DUST. There are quite a few rock dusts available online and locally. We use AZOMITE rock dust. It's found locally here in Utah. The mountain where they harvest this from... is not far from our home so we drove there and bought 1 ton of it. This rock dust has a pinkish hue to it and is FULL of micro trace minerals!!!!!! Most people know about nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium....but that's just the macro mineral dudes. There's many other minerals that help grow happy plants!
We first read about this rock dust when reading the book, "Secrets of the Soil" by Tompkins and Bird. WE HIGHLY recommend reading this book to learn more. you can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Soil-Solutions-Restoring-Planet/dp/1890693243/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522255326&sr=8-1&keywords=secrets+of+the+soil
We love the azomite, but there are quite a few out there on the market...and they all have different colors and mineral compositions.
From Left, this is Greensand, Gaia's glacial sand...and the far right is azomite.
WE TESTIFY! After 10 years of applying this product to our soil we have seen AMAZING results!
If you'd like to see more of our backyard...and take a full video tour....click here to view our last steemit post: @rawutah/sunrise-on-the-food-forest-1-4-acre-of-100-fruit-tree-blossoms-vlog-3
If we ever run out of azomite, we just scoop more on amazon! It's available for free shipping on PRIME: we like the LARGE BAGS. We feed this dust to our worm bins....straight around the plants and trees and pretty much everywhere! https://www.amazon.com/Azomite-Micronized-Bag-44-lb/dp/B00A8PGEES/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1522255646&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=azomite
The worms LOVE IT!!!! This image of the worms was captured yesterday from our compost. They respond in our worm bins and in our soil....with great proliferation! In "Secrets of the Soil" ...they explain that the worms absolutely enjoy running this stuff through their gizzards. We can tell by the quality of the worm castings. BLACK GOLD! The plants just green up and GROW!
So if you're looking to start with ONE or maybe TWO...amendments...for your garden soil this season. Check into one of these or BOTH! In our experience you cannot over apply either of these two. You can top coat/dress the plants. Apply to any hole you are planting in. OR...add directly to your worm bins....for them to eat and turn into mineralized WORM POO. THEN...FLING that MAGIC POO EVERYWHERE!
IF...you don't have the time....and would just like the POWER of these TWO amendments....in a bag all ready for you. I recommend these pre bagged worm castings grown with rock dust. FREE SHIPPING on prime: WORM GOLD PLUS: https://www.amazon.com/Worm-Urban-Garden-Farms-Quart/dp/B00V8753ZG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522257209&sr=8-1&keywords=worm+gold+plus
Thanks for reading! Best wishes in your gardening and LIFE adventures!!!!!!
Jake/ rawutah