MEAT PASTA (Venezuela)

Although many girls doubt it men also cook (some) in my case I am very passionate about the kitchen and I love to search every day my own perfection in regards to making food be treated, that is why since very small age of 12 years I manage to make my own food without help from anyone, nor supervision. so my curiosity was born for the kitchen to see that everyone liked to decide from time to time to see how they made different types of food until at the age of 20 years being in college between courses in gastronomy and learned to make various dishes as desserts and each one I gave my own style ..

To start this post it is worth noting that it is the first one as far as cuisine is concerned so I wanted to make a brief entry of how and because sometimes see from my post related to the kitchen ... I also apologize for not having all the photos of the process because I entered again and I did not expect to have to do so exact post haha ​​anyway any good reader in the kitchen area should know how to cook aunq be an egg or make a bread with ham and cheese hahaha. I hope you like it....

NOTE: In my recipes I will try to be as explicit as possible giving you a quick idea of ​​how to handle and make each meal as fast and simple as possible.




  1. 3 boxes of pasta for pasticho (Capri or micasa) or preferably the best you consider.
  2. 1 kilo of ground beef (sent to grind on the same day)
  3. 300g Tomato paste (available at any supermarket)
  4. 1 onion
  5. 8 aji
  6. 1 red pepper
  7. Cebollin, Cilantro, Parsley (To taste)
  8. 1 head of garlic
  9. 500 g white cheese
  10. 500g of ham
  11. 100g or 200g of palmesan cheese

Note: if the pasticho is large like the one in the photo it will take approximately 30 slices of Ham and Cheese. Since it is elaborated on the basis of 3 Layers and starting from the bottom up, 10 of each are used per layer laid ..


A glass of liquid milk (Non-skim)
Half an onion
Wheat flour or Maize


  1. Chop the dressings (onion, parsley, chives, cilantro, paprika, chili) preferably liquefier use and case heed resolved, chop the garlic as small as possible.

  2. In a bowl mix the meat with all of the above and let it stand for about 20 minutes (this is done to make the sweat of the dressings mix and grab more taste when cooking)

  3. In a pot add the ground beef (seasoning with: pepper and marinade and preferably two tablespoons of mustard, let cook for 15 minutes over low heat after this to finish adding the sauce for another 5 minutes (take into account the degree of seaming )


  1. Grate the half onion, in case the milk is in powder beat it (1 glass)

  2. In a saucepan boil the amount of 1 glass of water, once boiled add the glass of milk and a flicker of salt, 1 tablespoon butter, add 1 cup of wheat flour (or cornstarch according to your case) and beat until obtaining the sauce.


  1. Base: In a tray add the béchamel sauce (not exaggerated) to cover only the desired, add the stencils throughout the tray followed to these meat, cheese and ham for each box of paste for pasticho.

  2. Medium: After completing the base, the pastry paste tablets are added again and on top of this the béchamel sauce and the meat, cheese and ham are added for each layer desired.

  3. Final. It is covered with tablets of paste for pasticho, is added only bechamel sauce and cheese palmesano, so that when being taken to the oven gratinado.

  4. Bake the preparation for 40 to 50 minutes, when removing from the oven you can attach more Palmesan cheese and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes so that you have each box in place at the time of cutting and ready to serve (in my case like this as you may notice) hehe


If it's your pleasure, do not forget my recipe

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