Do we have a limited number of ideas?

I write almost every day now. I do this because I can. I also do it because I'm curious to see how much I can keep it up.It wasn't always like this...


Me, these days...

I read a lot.

I read too much, it's almost escapism at this point.
The problem with reading so much is that ingest a lot of good information. But I don't digest it properly. Sometimes I feel like all I read left no mark, other times I feel I've learned so much.

I want to ask a bizarre questions: What is "learning"?

from Wikipedia:

Learning is the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences

Who else looked up the definition of learning? Why would we do that?
We know what learning is, we do it all the time! Yet I look at this and realize that learning must involve an active part: CHANGE.
IF you learn, for real, something new, you change in a quantifiable, objective way!
Oh, it's easy to say "I learned so much" but then do the same thing you did. I got sad news for you: you did not learn anything. You might know more but that's not learning.

"I learned how to get fit, I could do it but I chose not to". Did you really?

I like to think of learning as something I act on, not something I know of because i can easily call out my own bullshit. Yes, I say: "I learned this or that" A LOT. Yet, my day to day behavior is the same. BZZZ!!

Back to my story, one of my favorite authors is James Altucher.
I just love the dude and his easy, cool, no non-sense style. I also get annoyed when his answer to literally everything is " Write down 10 ideas daily".

Guru, weirdo, genius, annoying-person: James Altucher!

What can I do to improve my life today?
"Write down 10 ideas daily"
How do i get a new job?
"Write down 10 ideas daily for a company and send them to the ceo"
How do I fight loneliness?
I think you get the idea [ if not, write down 10 ideas daily ].

Yes, I was annoyed but I was also interested. I was reading EVERY blog he wrote. I did that for about one years, that's about 300 blogs. I'VE LEARNED SO MUCH. You know how many days did I write down 10 ideas?

[Take your time]

ZERO DAYS! (doh)

Yeap, above when I said "I'VE LEARNED SO MUCH. "?
That was bullshit. I was bullshiting you and me and everyone else. My life was the same, caught in the same pit of unhappiness and inaction and I knew what I had to do. I did not learn a thing.


I was petrified I couldn't come up with 10 ideas even for A DAY. I just couldn't even start.
I sometimes let my mind wander and come up with an idea and I'd shut it off. I really didn't want to know if there was something more in there, in me. Why be sure that I was an one-idea only person? Better to not know: then I could pretend I'm a creative, cool person, right?

I clearly learned NOTHING.

And then, Steemit happened and a switch was turned on(or off maybe?). I started to write daily with the intensity of a dervish ahead of a storm. I just didn't stop.

Right now, for me it's a marathon to the end of my ideas for two reasons:

  1. I wonder if there's an end. I flirt with the ridiculous idea that there might be a bag with no bottom but one way to test

  2. I am curious what I'll do once I reach the end of ideas. I can not accept this position: no ideas ever again. But I can accept the challenge.

You, the reader, are my witness to this race, to my stumbles ( so many bad ideas, bad posts..) to my flow ( sometimes things just click..) and to eventually, to the finish, whatever it might be.

I hope you cheer for me but I thank you either way!

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