Your Garden Could Be An Organic Food Factory / 你的花园也能成为有机食品工厂

Whilst living in London, I’ve experienced some amazing culinary delights as this city has to cater for the diverse multi-cultural society we have. This also extends to the types of fruit and vegetables available here, some of which I had never seen before previously when in China.  


Our garden has 2 fruits trees which were planted there way before we first moved in. One produces figs, the other plums. Given the rare good weather we’ve enjoyed this year in London, the quality of fruit grown has been extraordinarily good.  

在我们搬来的时候,后花园就种着两棵果树: 无花果树和李子树。由于今年英国天气特别好,两棵树都果实累累,长势喜人! 

I had never even seen a fig before coming to the UK as we only used the dried ones in China as ingredients for making soup. I was so excited upon tasting a fresh one for the first time that I must have spent at least 15 minutes on the phone with mum telling her about it that very day. Sad, but true, lol. They are usually quite expensive to buy from the supermarkets so I feel quite honored we have our own home grown ones.  


The fig has a unique sweet taste to it, is high in nutritional value and contain important proteins and vitamins promoting healthy digestive attributes. Here they are below.


Last Year, our plum tree unfortunately didn’t bear any fruit given the bad weather, but because of the perfect conditions this time round, we've had a great season so far. The plum skin has a slightly sour taste to it, but is still very juicy and sweet on the inside. Great for making a tasty pie or even marmalade! 

家里的李子树由于天气原因,去年都没有结果子,今年可谓是大丰收啊! 李子外层的皮有点儿酸,但里面肉质浓厚,清甜可口。除了生吃,也很适宜做李子酱或蛋糕。 

The freshness and health benefits gained from eating food straight from the source got me interested in starting an organic food lifestyle. Luckily, UK houses come with generous sized gardens so space is usually not an issue. Therefore, I decided early this year to start growing an assortment of vegetables as well, on the other side opposite to the trees. Make the most out of your garden! 

Check them out below: 


Beef Tomatos Plant (番茄)

Runner Beans (四季豆)

Cucumbers (青瓜)

Green Sweet Peppers (甜灯笼椒)

Red Chilli (红辣椒)

Demon Chilli (a very spicy one if you like your food hot) (青辣椒)

Organic food is now all the rage and if we could have a choice or growing our own vegetables and fruit or buying them from the local supermarket, the former would be a great option. 


Maintaining the plants is quite simple. London weather helps with all the rain we get, lol. For minimal effort, you can live a maximal lifestyle, health-wise. Hope we can all start promoting healthy, fresh produce instead of chemical based, pesticide ridden ones instead.   


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