If we had a Steemit relationship advice column, what would you ask?

I wrote a post early on about how joining Steemit was like starting a new relationship. And like any relationship, this one has it's ups and downs. And what do you do when you hit a challenge in your relationship? You talk it out. Or call a friend. Or send an anonymous letter to an underqualified online columnist offering relationship advice.

Yes -- that's exactly what this site needs. An advice column for all of our Steemit relationship problems. And the letters would look a little something like this:

Dear Steemantha,

I recently shared a post with my partner -- let's call him Steemit -- and got a very lackluster response. In fact, it only received 23 upvotes. But then I noticed that one of the comments on my post received 123 upvotes! Sure, it was an attractive comment, but I can't help but feel a little upset. Is Steemit trying to make me jealous?

Dear Steemantha,

I've been with my partner Steemit for about a month now and I think I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level. However, I've noticed that sometimes when I post, I get more comments than actual upvotes. Don't get me wrong -- I love the conversation -- but I'm starting to question our upvote compatibility. Is Steemit all talk and no action?

Courtesy of GraphicStock.com

Dear Steemantha,

I recently stepped outside of my comfort zone and tried something new with my partner -- vlogging. At first, Steemit was very supportive, even though my vlogs were a little rough. But now that I think my vlogs are getting better, it seems like the more I create, the fewer upvotes they receive. Which makes me wonder if maybe they're actually getting worse. Am I right to think my quality is dropping? Am I going crazy? Or is Steemit gaslighting me?

Dear Steemantha,

My partner, Steemit, has no trouble talking to other people. His feed lights up with dozens of new posts every hour. Yet sometimes, when I try join in on the conversation with my own post, Steemit suddenly goes silent and I get no response. How do I get Steemit to stop ignoring me?

Courtesy of GraphicStock.com

Dear Steemantha,

I received a hilarious meme in response to one of my posts. It really made me laugh, and feel special as I was sure it took quite some time to find or even create. But then I noticed that exact same comment on several other posts. Is Steemit cheating on me?

What would you ask about your Steemit relationship?

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