Immutable proof...(thoughts from a single working mom in America)



...of my thoughts and feelings on today, a great day...
(screenshots are mine)

November 9th, 2016

I am not a Drumpf supporter, but I do feel a certain elation at the idea of someone who has no government background coming into office. We shall see. I feel a certain elation at the idea of radical change, be it backward or not. I like the idea of deregulation and I secretly hope he makes drugs and prostitution legal. Because why not? But, honestly, was it the plan all along to dethrone the Clinton administration? Drumpf was under the legal gun before he started running for President - does this mean the plan worked - to put someone unexpected into office - perhaps the person I voted for? Probably not. Probably just people are unpredictable. At least my state was blue, that's a relief; a hope of future employment. We shall see. But I do feel an unexpected relief, that Clinton is not president, even if Drumpf is a bad role-model for anyone. My new hope is that he will be acquitted and a new candidate will arise. Who knows...
100% powering up
Yes, I wrote Barack in for all senate positions XD

Napolean Dynamite

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