Self-worth realization, A step in self-healing & guided meditation, Chapter 1 of 3 [Original (steemit only) Novella]


Self-Worth Realization

An Original Novella, by Robyn Eggs - Creative Artist & Mother

Chapter 1

You have to love yourself before you can love life. There are many things you can do to remind yourself that you have meaning in life.


The Dryas Octopetala has begun to bloom, at the foot of an iceberg, in Scandinavia, as the iceberg has retreated. This blooming could signal the oncoming of the next ice age, and/or the next polar shift. It important to remember that we are alive to witness this unique time in our own, human history. The Dryas Octopetala represents a unique gift, alive and blooming at this very moment in time. We must remember to love ourselves, for we are a similar gift, and just as unique and wondrous of a rarity.

Fossils of Dryas plants are important to paleo-ecologists studying past episodes of climate change and shifts in arctic-alpine vegetation. Late in the Pleistocene, the climate of the northern hemisphere began to gradually warm as the last great Ice Age went into retreat. On two occasions, the general pattern of warming was abruptly reversed for periods of 300-1000 years and arctic tundra vegetation returned to areas that had been changing to forest cover. Ecologists refer to these periods as the Older Dryas (approximately 13,800 years ago) and the Younger Dryas (11,500-12,800 years ago) because of the prevalence of Dryas fossils. The exact cause of the relatively rapid change in climate (estimated to have taken just a few decades) are still being debated, but may bear on research into contemporary climate change. - Walter Fertig, U.S. Forest Service


You have to love yourself before you can love life. There are many things you can do to remind yourself that you have meaning in life.

Follow these steps to release your anxiety, determine your needs, and heal your life:

1. You must take notice of your anxiety. Once you are aware of your anxiety, visualize it as a cluster of bubbles, clear and transparent. Then detach each bubble and blow it away, until there are none left. Each bubble was a worry. You are now free from the worries that have been dragging you down. Now that you have more space for what is positive, you are ready to accept yourself.

2. What makes you happy? Take time to partake of the pleasures you enjoy, such as going for a long walk, or painting. Let the creative aspect of your mind expand. Once you have filled your mind with appreciation, take a rest. Let your mind go; think about nothing, for as long as you wish. Thinking about nothing allows your mind to open up to the possibilities before you. The appreciation you have built up by doing as you please is allowing you to begin to love yourself by admiring your actions. Now that your eyes are opened, you are able to view your position in life.

3. Consider your needs. What has caused you to be in this position? It is helpful to write down the course of your actions. Start writing from a time when you remember being happy and finish at the present time. Through your writing, you will discover, and be able to list, your needs. These needs may consist of more time alone or with your family and friends, or possibly, just more time to have fun and let your mind rest. Once you have assessed your position and your needs accordingly, it is easy to determine what has led you to need healing.

By setting your standards too high, you tend to degrade yourself. Are you trying to fit into someone else; into their image or expectation of you? Is the media influencing your life too much?


Next up, in Chapter 2, "It may be helpful for you to analyze my own journey to self-worth realization..."

This novella is dedicated to all the humans, who are questioning their existence and worth in life. You are worth something, to me, to us all...I love you. I urge your to look deep inside yourself, and listen, and then to answer yourself. You deserve to be a witness to this amazing time in life that we are experiencing. It is truly unique, and special, just like every member of the human race. We are rare. We are unique. We are cherished.

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