The top 5 things I am thankful for...


My studio apartment

Home is where the heart is. I have been close to not having one, twice in the last year. Very stressful. And even now I am scraping by. It sucks but it makes me very grateful to have a roof over my head, each and every day. Not only that but I don't share it with any other adult. I have my own space to do with as I like, my own way. For this I am most thankful because I have had to live with someone the last 8 years. This is my first time having my own space, since then, and it has been amazing! It is important for me to go the fuck to sleep when I can, and for this I am endlessly thankful. Thank you.


A reliable vehicle

Kia and I have been together over a year now and she is just plum peachy. She is a little hatchback and gets great gas mileage. She is a huge change from the big truck I had been driving the past 6 years. I still don't back her up though, as much, because she has a wider wheel base in the back. Still getting used to that. But I would pour everything I have (and I have) into Kia because she is my get-away car. My oh-shit vehicle. My get-the-fuck-outta-dodge escape card, and I would never give her up unless I had to. I am so thankful for my little Kia. Her parts are a little more expensive but she runs like a dream a good long time. Lord never let me need her.


Income at all

I know I am not the only one who struggles day to day. I have community here in this, I am sure. But my motto has been to persevere. I got an extra weekend job starting Friday, and I have been pulling in a little modeling money, not much. I keep squeezing by but I keep adding to my debt. And now the school is giving me a hard time and creating more debt from nothing. It sucks. It would be nice to one day not have to worry about the bills getting paid. There is no guarantee of that though. My Mother never made it out. She still worries about bills each and every month and I am unable to help her. What is this world coming to. But before I get caught up in a rant. I want to stop and give thanks for the little bit that I do have. I was able to make rent this month and pay for Kia's services. Just nothing else. :-)


Sanity, if only temporary

I'm a Mom, what can I say...



Here's wishing for food in all of our tummy's tonight! :-* XO

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