I Didn't get Hired at Dunkin Donuts because of 10 year old felony! (America We HAVE to do better)

This is a rant post about some bullcrap i have had to deal with for years..

Being turned away from jobs because i am considered a "ex-convict". What kind of a country do we live in where a person can pay his debt to society. and still not be able to find even a shitty job?. Dunkin Donuts is not a career, its a job that teenagers get hired for, but if you got a felony from 10 years ago....then see ya later!


I think this is one of the worst systems in place in America to keep people stuck in the same position. It's completely unfair for a man or a women to have to go through this after paying their debt to society.

What did i goto prison for you ask? DRUGS! i sold some damn drugs and i got caught and i went to prison....this was in my way younger years, it was a dumb choice but i shouldn't have to live in the negative feelings of that choice for the rest of my life?

Its SO frustrating! I couldn't get a job paying a measly $11 an hour.......

Since ive been home almost 8 years now, i have only managed to get 1 real job..and that was through a temp agency who did not check my background.

An application for a job usually says something like "being convicted of a felony does not neccesarily bar you from employment"


America has to do better with this policy, it is counterproductive to the society to hold so much judgement over people who committed crimes in their younger years. We do stupid shit as kids, i'm sure a lot of us have done things we could have been in major trouble for, only difference is i got caught..

I spent 3 1/2 years in a place like this....


to come home and have to deal with this...


This is a major issue among a lot of people in this country. I am not saying a ex con can't find a job...but the overall outlook on hiring felons in this country is looked down upon, as if we are not people...but some sort of sub-version of a person who can't quite cut the mustard in life.

It's a shitty thing to have to go through, so i hope anyone out there whose doing crime reads this post man. Don't do it..shit's going to ruin your life and you're gonna wish you never did it. People will look at you differently even if they loved you before, and most people will not understand or go out of their way to help you. Through it all you have to stay strong and tough and keep you head to the sun, because its going to be a rough life. Don't commit crime, just keep your nose clean and don't let these fuckos take away your livelihood.

Since i've been home i've gotten turned away from:

  • McDonald's
  • Burger King
  • Dominos Pizza
  • Target
  • Flavors (organic food store)
  • Doctors office's
  • Computer company's
  • Petsmart
  • Temp agencies that check background
  • The Hilton Inn Suites
  • and more!

There'd be way too many places that turned me away for me to write them all down, probably upwards of 60 to 100 different places since 2010. I've been working for myself now for 3 years, its pretty much the only way i have been able to generate a solid income and take care of my family.

And on that note....F*ck Dunkin Dounts!!

(sorry for the profanity, i'm very much pissed right now)

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