Some People Live Where They Work, Other Just Visit.

The Idea of Work-Life Balance is Bullshit

The fact that we call it work/life balance automatically implies that one of the two is negative and we need to balance it with the other. It usually implies that you have work on the evil side, and life on the other. It makes it look like these two things are competing for your attention and well being.

But work and life are not separate. They are the same, there is only one thing, it’s called LIFE. Work is part of my life, it’s not competing against it.

 Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. 

I strongly believe that every person can make a living doing something they love. And often enough, it’s more of a mindset to become happy with your work. Often it’s not the work that sucks, but how we see it.

 I have fun at the office. My work starts when I arrive at home.

So for me, Our goal should not be the Balance between Work and Life. Our goal should be the constant improvement of the Quality of both our Work and our Life.

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