The Onion Man - A Dissertation On Filters And Honesty - (An Original Thought)


So the other day my friend @iamjustincscott and I were having a conversation in PAL about the human condition. I thought I'd expand on it a bit. He also decided to expand on it from his perspective. You can find the sister post to this one Here, honorable mention to @discordiant and @iddm1dm for helping me find the courage to distill this thought in order to share it with you.

In my time on this planet I've had some interesting thoughts, and I'd like to tell you about one I used to think about when I was a kid and one of them was in regards to the layers people have, the masks and the filters we place upon our essence in order to get by in the world.

And the one I want to share with you today is called "The Onion Man". Put simply the onion man is the layers we wear. And unfortunately in some respects we HAVE to wear this shroud upon our innermost energy because it's just too powerful for others to deal with seeing the pure naked truth of a person.

Unfortunately I believe that misrepresenting yourself is fundamentally an self-sabotaging act, even if by that misrepresentation you are avoiding someone a momentary pain.

Drop the filters guys, be open and honest with one another.

Turning your back on or hiding your thoughts/feelings under a candy coating to make it more palatable to the others is censorship of who you really are, and you will ultimately only damage yourself if continuing in this mode of operation.

Honesty is the best policy.

But remember, there is such a thing as constructive criticism and going around telling everyone exactly what you think of them is imposition and should perhaps be avoided, understanding and being considerate of another even if you think they are wrong is a part of loving and accepting one another, but that is a topic for another day.

I would love to hear what you think of the onion man, have no fear, drop the filters, and really express yourself.

Much love dearest readers, Steem On. <3

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