Steem Masters smart phone & tablet versions are finally complete!

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All of this took way more work than I was expecting, wanting to ensure it looked good on ALL devices.

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It's a bit like a Steemit post.... you feel like you're done when you click submit. But you ain't REALLY done. You must post promote next of course.

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The Website

It has been the same with this site. Just when I felt like I was done, I realised there was a whole bunch more I needed to do!

  • The website Version
  • The smart phone version
  • The tablet version

All of these must be looked at individually if you want your site to stand out as being professionally constructed.

And now it is done!!!

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The hardest part was keeping the feel of the original website and long before this, finding a mechanism through which I could be contacted, in order to discuss prices/exchange mechanism somewhere off the main website. seemed like the logical choice.

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So, please check it out on your various devices and let me know if you spot any mistakes!

Many thanks in advance :)

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