What does turning 70 (rep) mean to me?

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It has been a long old battle to get myself into the 70s reputation list, an early goal of mine established with the perception that people with a 70 after their name are people worth following. Because there are no accounts in their 80s!

The highest rep number is for @steemsports at 77.7

I cannot say for sure that being a 70 will change anything at all for me, but I can say that I am very happy to have finally achieved this goal.

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What have been my most memorable Steemit achievements?

  • I created @steemshop (with the assistance of some very awesome people) which is still in development, but week by week it gets closer to a becoming an exciting new Steem driven marketplace.

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  • I started a new dailyquotes tag and have popularised it by using it every day to share inspirational words & HDR pictures from my travels

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  • I have educated many people about Steemit & cryptocurrency here in Bali with public training days and even private sessions

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  • I have posted detailed tutorials on many things including how to make HDR photos, how to grow various fruits, how to change your life through the use of Law of Attraction... the list is long.

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  • I have posted here always with the intention of helping others live longer, happier and more productive lives.

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  • I have shared my crypto trading tips with much enthusiasm, with the intention of helping others watch their investments grow as I have done.

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  • I have shared with you consistently and honestly about my life... and how it came to be that I now live aside a jungle with two amazing children & beautiful partner... after setting out from London four years ago with nothing but a bag on my back.

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In truth, the only site currently listing me as a 70 is good old Steem Whales

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Still stuck behind @fishingvideos as you can see!

Busy lists me as 69

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Steem Now lists me as a 69.95

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And Steemit itself also still says I am a 69

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In the end it doesn't matter what the number says.

What matters is the feeling I have in this moment.

And the feeling is good.

It is VERY good.

Thank you all for making this possible for me.

It is my promise to you that I will continue producing awesome content dedicated to truth, beauty and the growth of this platform.

Hey, and I just noticed that my 700th follower joined me moments ago! Great timing :)

Some might say I am a Whale now, but I say I am just like you: 

I am a fish who aspires to be bigger :)

Thanks again. My gratitude goes out to you all.


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