¿Do you know what the Parkour is?

    That such stemians, in today's post will not talk about photography as I usually do, today's topic is more focused on Parkour or Freerunning as some people call it.

    Some time ago I had already told you about how I started in photography and that thanks to the parkour I discovered it.

    You're probably wondering what the hell is a parkour?

    This sport was developed by George Hébert (1875-1957) 


    Who was a French officer of the navy, who developed a method of physical training which I call a natural method, which would be the origin of what today we know as "Parkour" word that comes from the French word "Pacour" which means path; the natural method is composed by what is called "The 10 families" or what is equal to: 

  1. Walk
  2. Run
  3. Quadrupeds
  4. Climbing
  5. Jump
  6. Balance
  7. Load
  8. throw
  9.  Defense
  10. Swimming
You dare?

    By combining all of these skills into one training you get what we call parkour or "pathway", the natural method was originally focused more on military and firefighter training.

  • Over the years, David Belle (1973 - Present) was born in France.

    He is the one who would bring the sport to the urban environment, being instructed by his maternal grandfather and his father, both were firefighters and transmitted his knowledge to him.

    Thanks to all of them it is that today together with my team we are part of this community, which has grown enormously over the years and of which we feel proud because it has changed our lives in many ways, giving unique moments that we had never imagined living, making us grow as people, one of the epic phrases of George Hébert is "to be strong for her useful" this phrase has accompanied me in my path and I am very proud of it.

The cute guy up there is me hahahaha (seriously)

    In spite of the fact that Venezuela has left us with a bitter taste and it has cost us too much to stay active in the training sessions, as much as they have no idea, it has also strengthened us as a group and although many of us have gone on fighting for what we love and that we never intend to leave aside!

    These photos are behind the scenes of the last video that we recorded more than a year ago and since then for different problems we have not continued to share content, there are a lot of photos still saved waiting to be shared, we are many members to upload them all, but if you are interested in knowing who we are I will leave you the link to our youtube channel as well as our latest video.

  • Youtube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs_9jx1vi_r0j_J3odDStGA?view_as=subscriber

    If you liked the post let me know in the comments, don't forget to vote and follow me here and in instagram: @samuel_film

This post is the English translation of my previous publication, it's all content is my authority, I apologize for the translation errors, I'm not good with English. 

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