Our Life on Planet Earth – Part 2: Who am I?

Interest is the springboard to gain knowledge. 

If you deal with spirituality and spiritual topics for years , if you chose to fathom life and explore this enigma you’ll inevitably encounter many questions and of course – you’ll try to find answers. Probably one of the most common questions in this context is the basic question of existence: 'Who am I?'

Further questions will arise such as ‘Where do we come from?’, ‘Why are we here?‘ and ‘Where will we go?‘. We’ll take a look at it a later. Promised.

These are probably the essential questions, first and foremost 'Who am I?'. Here again it is very helpful to hear what different cultures have to say about it. On the journey to find an answer to this question you’ll be surprised to discover that most of them agree other than what one might expect. Let me repeat that: Most of them agree!

The more you do a profound research in different cultures, religions and philosophies the more you’ll discover similar, occasionally identical answers which is basically very reassuring and simultaneously encouraging. Why reassuring and encouraging? You don’t have to argue if most of them agree. You don’t have to argue about ‘Who is right’. You just have to drill deep in your own culture and contradictions will dissolve themselves. Actually pretty easy provided that there is an interest to do so.

One thing I’ve learned is: Don’t judge anything before you explored it. It’s easy to say ‘You’re wrong!‘, ‘I don’t believe that!’.

1st: Explore

2nd: Study and learn

3rd: Judge (if needed)

Don’t just judge something because of dogmatic beliefs.

One can say that the essence of everything around the question ‘Who am I?‘ is: ‚I am a spiritual being’.

This conclusion can be reached by a procedure of exclusion.

All you have to do is ask yourself the following: ‘What am I not?‘.

Something that is subject to change like the physical body can’t be ‘me’. I have a deeper perception of persistence and existence.

The ethereal energies, the ethereal body such as thinking, feeling, desire, they change and vary in such a fast rhythm that this can’t be ‘my‘ real identity. Goethe once said in his famous book ‘Egmont‘, 1775: ‘On top of the world, in the depths of despair‘. Sometimes the one, sometimes the other. But which of the two is ‘me‘? I’m not just this emotional body which goes through all those different vibrations and moods.

So if I am neither the material nor the ethereal body, what am I then? There has to be something else, an entity, a being which is independent from all the conversions in the outside (material body / physical body) and the inside (ethereal body), something which is unchangeable and always there.

Normally one says: ‘My body’. You don’t say ‘I body’. By this you express that it is a property. A residence of a temporary nature. We all know we have to ‘die‘ at some point so it is undoubtedly of a temporary nature.

You also say ‘My thoughts’. You don’t say ‘I thoughts‘. You don’t say ‘I feelings‘, no. You say ‘I have feelings’, ‘I have thoughts‘, I have a body.

Inevitably the question arises: Who is the ‘I‘? Who is the owner of the body? Who is this ‘I‘, who is allowed to use all of those things in the world and who is it to gather experiences?

There are different expressions for it: Soul, spirit, spiritual being, and so on, particular schools of thought have different expressions. One thing is important though: the insight or realization that there is something constant, something imperishable, something eternal, something immortal.

Something that survives the ‘death‘ and the ‘death of the body‘.

This being is ME. That’s ME. 

One could add: A godly being. Some people struggle with the term ‘God‘, just because it has been misused too often, as many other terms. Everything you can think of is done ‘in the name of God‘ whereby quite most of it can be called ungodly. That’s the problem and a reason why many have the fear of contact with the term ‘godly’.

But if we take a look at the root of the word itself, namely ‘good‘ (indo-germanic ‘goda‘) - the opposite of bad – you don’t need to have any reservations or fear of contacts with being ‘godly‘, precisely ‘good‘.

As a being your are something good, something that can do something good for yourself and for others in this world. ‘Godly‘ does not have a negative connotation. It is the opposite of negative.

In summary to the question ‘Who am I?‘ one can ultimately say:

A spiritual godly eternal being.

In a material body. For the moment.

After reading all of your wonderful and constructive comments on the previous post I’d like to say something. It applies to the previous post, this post and upcoming posts as well.

As you can see I didn’t mention a specific religion yet. I am detached from any religious beliefs out there. I was raised catholic but left church years ago. I wanted to be free, symbolically. I don’t judge anything anymore when it comes to religious beliefs. All we have is our free will to decide and I respect everyone’s belief. This is an objective view on all the things that surround us, daily, 24/7, 365 days/year, for a lifetime. I do have a belief, I do believe in god but I don’t need an institution to be able to live it.

I was driven by interest and discovered a gift: Life.

This is just my personal view. The previous post, this post and upcoming posts as well.  I think it’s very universal. Maybe someone shares the same views, may it be. Maybe someone shares a part of it, may it be. Maybe you disagree completely - So be it. That’s great. We’re all different, yet the same.

One last thing:

I had the chance to talk to a wonderful woman (clairvoyant) several times already. I met her on my spiritual journey and I must admit she had a huge impact on my life. The first thing she said to me when we met for the very first time was:

Please don’t believe anything I’m going to tell you.

I’d like to say the same to you.

What does it mean?

Please form your own opinion.

Your innermost will tell you if it’s right or not.

Basically we know everything already.

The veil of forgetfulness is put on us.

This is also the first time for me to talk about my view and belief in public (although it's quite impersonal) and it feels good :)

Thank you again for your attention and the time to read it.

See you for the next one.

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