Why Ambiverts Make The Best Friends


Friends. These are one of the most important and one of the biggest aspects of anybody’s life. Ever since we are little children, we start making friends. It is something that just happens.

Throughout our lives, we make a lot of friends. Some stick around for a long time, perhaps even your whole life, and there are some who come in for a certain period of time.

Regardless, friends are really special and the time you spend with them and the memories you create with them are priceless and it is just so nostalgic to go over all of that time, when you are older and take a look back.

Anyways, today I want to talk about ambiverts and why they make the best friends. I am lucky enough to have some of these in my life too and as one myself, I think we make pretty awesome people! haha!

They Can Really Relate To You


I think the biggest advantage of being an ambivert is that they can relate to nearly anyone. Since they are part extroverts and part introverts themselves, they can really understand your way of thinking, personality, attitude and what not, no matter who you are.

Generally it is quite difficult to understand an introvert if you are an extrovert and vice versa. But if you have an ambivert friend, they will not only understand you, but also relate to you.

It’s really like having a two in one friend, which might sound odd, but hey, you are getting two for the price of one, right? And this is really important. We all need someone in our lives that can “get” us, you know?

Playing Video Games or Partying Like Crazy? They’re There!


So, we all know that there are certain types of activities that the introverts are more interested in like reading books, playing video games, avoiding large social gatherings, creating stuff, and more.

Then there are certain types of activities that the extroverts are more interested in like partying, adventure sports, going to concerts, being social, hanging out and much more.

As an ambivert, we can be with you no matter the choice of your activity. While we like staying indoors and having that peace of mind, we also like partying with you like crazy in the middle of the night!

They Are Highly Knowledgeable


One of the biggest benefits of being an ambivert is that you get to experience the two worlds that are otherwise mutually exclusive. And this can enrich your life with a lot of knowledge and experience.

This can not only be useful to you personally in your own life, but also to your friends when they need it. Imagine an introverted friend who needs help with choosing the best books to read in certain times. You could have the best recommendations.

Or an extroverted friend who needs to learn about how to better manage a team of people. You could have some good advices for them as ambiverts usually understand people really well.

They Can Be Your Liaison


As I mentioned earlier, introverts and extroverts may have a hard time understanding each other. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have to cross paths or even work together on important things.

When they do, it might create friction between them that may affect people and situations around them which can be especially detrimental in a company environment.

In such a case, ambiverts can be great liaisons between them in that they take the role of peacekeepers and helping them understand each others’ point of view. That’s why ambiverts also make such great leaders.

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