How my Life has changed from Looking directly at the Sun everyday. Video Diary of my personal experience & insight.

Hello again my Steemit Friends. My love to you all. I feel closer to my online Steemit supporters because of sharing my life story in far deeper detail than I do with the actual people who "know-me" in person. Although we've never met, Steemit is becoming my true family, as far as websites go, Steemit is a very positive environment, which encourages growth rather than "hating" on it.

#SunGazing Day 3. Well, it's day 3 of looking at the Sun, and Im beginning to ponder; who needs religion when all you truly need to do is gaze up at the sky and feel it’s radiance? That's a good question. I say to myself.

SunGazing causes problems for commercial capitalism as we dont need to buy any products to become a SunGazer. It even involves taking shoes, OFF! Our happy bubble of satisfaction will suffice. We will not be sold nor advertised to. We see thru you. Besides, we're no longer insecure enough pay to feel better like the rest of them. Where is this sense of confidence and assuredness coming from....?

I've even stopped wearing sunglasses after my research into the effects of health & light.

What's all this "dont look at the sun hysteria?" truly about? Is there any truth behind the fears?! This fuzzy ball of light energy is something I can really worship because "when I can see something, I dunno, it really kinda helps the credibility along, ya know...?!"

There is no sign up process. No forms to sign. No papers to fill out. No invoice to pay, and no donations are accepted. The Sun doesn't ask much; just that you show up once in a while. And don't be late. There'll be many opportunities, with no obligations.

Who said Sun Gazing Meditation couldn’t be adventurous?

Banana's in my pockets, I scale the rooftops, in search of a Sunset

Five storeys higher than ground-level, I can see the sunset from here comfortably, unlike the ground-bound un-illuminated folk below the tree-line. I hear sirens, woop-woop. It's the sound of the police. The sound of the beat. I shrug it off. Then an idea; what if it's for me? It's for yoooo-hooo. It cant be for me. As the wailing noise gets closer & closer, I begin to wonder.... maybe those blue lights ARE here for me.

Apprehended by The Law, a man in fancy dress with a car drowning in flashing blue lights wanted to ask a lot of questions , and I was eager to answer; mostly excited to tell everyone about #SunGazing!! I should've sent them my #Steemit Story?! LOL

Now for the Sciencey-bit, wonder what'd happens after 6 months looking at the Sun?

By 7.5 months: The need and desire for food* dwindles. Food is not actually needed to maintain the body, only energy – and ‘sun-eating’ provides that light-energy & boosts nutritional availability and absorption to an incredibly efficient level.

By 9 months: All taste for food, hunger pains and cravings disappear. By this point your brain should feel “charged up.” A fresh sense of focus, clarity and well-being abound. Food is no longer a distraction to your daily functionality. It is an optional pleasure.

9 months+: Redirect your attention now to the Earth. You are a true Sun-Gazing-Super-Hero!

*food --should be defined as "COOKED HOT FOODS" containing animal fats/proteins. This is what people refer to as food. "You need to get a good warm meal in you son, he needs some cooked food." This cooking (and killing) does not seem necessary in the presence of the Sunlight. A good example would be people on holiday beaches prefer pineapple and mango to burgers & hotdogs - I wonder, why....?

My name is Seb, and this is my life. I enjoy sharing it, so dont forget to push the button Follow, Friend, Subscribe, Share, Love is Boomerang-Shaped. I see it like we're in this together, FULL STEEM AHEAD. With enough support from you people-inside-the-camera I'll be able to Share
my SebCam Steem Stories forever more. I treat this page like home. I have found my website, you'll find me on #Steemit.

Stay tuned for the next day of my Steemit SunGazing Adventure!

PEACE be with you..

of Fruit

Step 1. Do what u LOVE. Do what EXCITES you.
Step 2. Share with #Steemit to enable monetization of Dream$
Step 3. Remember BOREDOM is the Enemy.
(NOT some abstract "failure")

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