Making Money for doing what we Love

Let's talk about making money online, from doing what we LOVE. Is it possible we could combine; not either or, but DO BOTH?! Money is Energy. Our attitude about money will attract more, or subtract less. It all seems to hinge on DESIRE; we'll achieve whatever we WANT. The key thing is; we must want with burning desire. Merely wishing we had a bit more money wont cut it. The Universe wants to know HOW MUCH, and WHY.......? The eventual manifestation (HOW) will take care of itself, learn to let go, it's not up to you...

Imagine writing a daily diary, except what we have here is a daily-video-diary. Meet @SebCam, the Human WebCam. All the people, places & pandaemonium in my life are recorded, and edited for my online-viewers.

I've been filming my every move for over 15 years. I was vlogging before it was called a Vlog, I've been using a selfie-stick since before the "Selfie" had been invented. Before Facebook, around the golden age of MySpace; during the early days of YouTube... I was there, uploading, uploading, uploading my daily videos.

SLIP N SLIDE BMX BACKFLIPS into a Lake! I wear all the protective gear, but it's still not much help when I land on my head upside down in the water. I have always been a stunt man thrill seeker at heart. Challenging the unknown & making progress. Failing. Failing over and over, failing my way to success.

Step 1. Do what u LOVE. Do what EXCITES you.
Step 2. Share with #steemit to enable monetization of Dream$
Step 3. Remember BOREDOM is the Enemy.
(NOT some abstract "failure")

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