The pocket guide to making peace with yourself in 8 steps

I’m sure you know this by now, but inner peace is the key to YOUR happiness. Being an own friend is what makes us stronger and a better person all together.

An old proverb: If you want to see a true friend, look in the mirror


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What is happiness?

Someone might say that it’s when you have / posses / own something, like, money, love, friendship, healthiness… Well, you are right; all of those are the products of happiness.

Happiness itself is achieved through YOURSELF.

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You cannot make money until you are ready to make money. And you will not be able to find your love until you are ready to open up to it.

The key to happiness is YOU.

What is an inner state?

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An inner state is our daily / hourly (or even by the minute) mood, that effects all that is happening to us on a daily basis. Without our inner self being in peace, you will never reach your own potential.

I want to share with you 8 simple steps in how you can achieve that feeling of inner peace and happiness :


Ancient Greek aphorism "know thyself"

Get to know yourself and you will get to know the world, that’s what the ancient wisdom says.

How to get to know yourself?

Do you know your own anatomy? Do you understand your own biological self? Your mind?

Read about the human race; read history and anthropology; read a Wikipedia page on the biological building of the body – without knowing your history, you will NOT know yourself.

Our body is the tool, which helps our mind to understand the space we are in. Without knowing our bodies, you will not understand your mind, which is by far more complicated than your body.

Get to know your own senses, what smells do you enjoy most, at which time you enjoy them. What color makes you happy, or maybe what color makes you angry.

Which sound helps you to hear your own thoughts?

Be self aware, but don’t be too serious. Your habits make you who you are. Learn about them, learn why you do them.

Learn to hear yourself.


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Take a pen and a paper, take 30 minutes. Write down on the right side of the page what makes you happy, things you like and enjoy doing, people you like spending time with.

On the left side write the opposite, what it is you don’t like to do, maybe it’s walking up the stairs to your house, or maybe you don’t like bumping into your next door neighbor? What music makes you anxious and so on…

Take some personality tests


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Where do you live? Do you like it? Does it make you happy?

Go out for a walk in your neighborhood, or next to your house. Try to do it on several occasions at different times. Do you like what you see? Do you feel anxious?

The place that you live in (be it a city / a country / a state), influences you more than you think. You need to like the place that you live in.

If you do, go out for a walk around your house, at least once a week and simply look around, try to notice new things you never seen before. Make a list of what unusual things you notice each time.

Make sure you go out to a park or a forest at least once every 3 weeks. Try doing it in the early morning hours. Don’t do anything there, just walk.

If you don’t like your surroundings, the answer is one – move. I moved over 6 countries, 3 continents in my life until I found the place that I like. Anyone can do it. Its far easier than you think. Don’t be scared; get to know your emotions.

What about your living space? Well, it doesn’t have to be in order! It doesn’t have to be a penthouse. You have to enjoy the space you are living in. But do try and keep it tidy, open the windows more often, even in the winter time.


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What is our job? But up to 1/3 of our time in our lives… Do you like your job?

There is no point trying to prove to yourself why it is impossible to change it. Simply said – if you don’t like what you do, change it.

It pays your rent? Well your new job will pay your rent too.

Maybe you will earn less, but if you will ENJOY what you do (look in your list of things you enjoy, are the things you do on daily basis at your job there?), you will become happier. You will be one step closer to achieving much more then you think.

When you are happy with your job, then you have more time to think. By having time to think, you can achieve far more than you can imagine.


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So maybe it’s TIME to make a change in your life? Maybe it’s time to stop looking for excuses (no matter how good they seem)?


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Do you know yourself?

Next time I will share with you the other 4 points, which include your dreams, your goals, and your daily interactions.

And we will conclude how to make inner peace with yourself.

For now try to do 1 point at a time, start with the easier for yourself.

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