Everyone Seems Normal Until You Get To Know Them


People Are Strange....

Something that has always fascinated me throughout my life are the strange human behaviors that people present as you get to know them. Some are just minuscule little quirks we all over look but its so common that everyone has that one thing that just is off and not a norm you will see in every day society. Maybe I am a bit too much of a people watcher but it intrigues me none the less what people secretly do without even knowing it themselves.

Did you know that many odd behaviors actually stem from many roots beyond just ourselves? According to one study the odd behavior of sticking your tongue out when trying to concentrate on something comes from the very humble beginnings of language evolution. During the period when mankind grunted and fumbled around pre-vocal language history it was a game of charades between humans to interact and explain to each other the environment around them. According to a recent study it appears that those of us with the quirk of sticking out our tongue when trying to solve a math problem or thinking hard on any problem thrown at us may have its history within this period when we had no resolve to speak out the answers to fellow mankind.

These are the kind of things I notice in people, just those little odd behaviors that make me wonder where these crazy quirks really come from

Another odd common quirk in humans is the fact most of us don't realize we constantly sigh with our lungs. We tend to associate sighing as distaste for something or sadness during a stressful moment but actually we sigh all day long every day without even realizing it. According to science, our lungs contain tiny air sacs called alveoli which is the exchange center for carbon dioxide to oxygen. Issue is these tend to collapse over time and when this happens the natural reaction is to sigh in some air to revive and bring back the alvoeli into working shape. We tend to associate sighs as a form of stress relief and honestly it is because when you go for a sigh of relief, you are actually reviving your lungs to carry on with the life giving art of breathing. Not such a quirk now is it when you notice someone doing this a lot.


The Elusive White Gummy Bear

Here is a little quirk of my own to share with you. How did this crazy article even come about in the first place? Well honestly it came from a bag of Haribo Gummy Bears and how weirdly I have this addiction to always hunt down the white ones which are my favorite. If they would just make the clear white ones I would probably buy that back vs the assorted ones we have. See people are strange when you get to know them. While hunting my favorite gummy bear flavor it hit me what a strange little quirk I personally have on this and what it all meant. Sadly science hasn't caught up to my gummy bear issue but I am figuring its only a matter of time before they do...lol.

What intrigued me though to write this is not really my addiction to a candy, big kid here on that one still even near 40 years old but what got me thinking is the process of thinking I tend to have. My true quirk that many don't know is my analytical mind, its always running and constantly on random from one thing into a slew of other though processes. This is how I actually come up with so much variety of content with my Steemit account and how I am always pushed to learn new things every day. Its a quirk of my personality that I live in my mind as much as I live in the world and that my friends is what got me into this writing about the human condition and how we act.

Can You Rightfully Label and Put Everyone in a Box?

Something I have noticed over the years is a need for more and more labels on people. How one acts is at a stage there is most likely a pill for that quirk. I don't know if its a societal fear of people being different from one self or if its truly that bad in human history where we are full of mental disorders but I tend to favor its society afraid to let people be the unique individual souls that they were born to be.

If we as a society are going to continue down to the path of conforming every soul on this planet like mindless robots then the true individual spirit will probably become lost. These little quirks and odd human behaviors do not need a nice little box with a label but more needs embracing for the beauty that makes each human alive unique. I can understand us wanting to find the answers as to why the world is the way it is but attacking individuality is a line I hope we as humans never cross.

So if you happen to catch me out on the streets, constantly pulling a handful of gummy bears out of a bag of Haribo Gold Bears, to grab only two and put them right back to hunt for me....that is just my individuality at play and a little human strangeness to share with you from my soul to yours. We are not perfect, we never will be but we are amazing for the inner things that we are and that is what being alive and human is about.


Everyone Seems Normal Until You Get To Know Them....And That Is A True Blessing Because It Would Be A Little Boring Without The Snippets Of Surprises In Life


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