You are never as fast as when you are slow

Such a great saying, wish I could take credit for it, but as it turns out many years ago I read an article in a Motocross Action magazine written by Jody Weisel with this same title.

Given that I recently joined Steemit, then got a reward for a post that nearly DOUBLED my Steem Power, I thought this was pertinent. The post that follows is a rework of one I posted on LinkedIn a few years back.


Image Credit: © Creativecommonsstockphotos | Dreamstime Stock Photos
p.s. I did not look nearly as cool as the guy in this photo ;)

The point Jody Weisel was making in the article, is that you are never as fast as when you are slow, he reasoned that when you are slow, you are full of potential and can only get faster.

I got a taste of that feeling today when I did some downhill mountain biking for the first time. I did a number of track-days on a motorcycle not too long ago and got fairly comfortable going round a racetrack on a motorbike. Thing is, when I saw people I perceived to be on my level moving to a higher and faster class, I got jealous I wanted to go progress more quickly than my skills and confidence allowed, which led to me enjoying the track-days less.

Today however, I was faster than I have ever been down a mountain bike trail. I was also slower than the majority of the people there, but it was fun. I may be slow as can be, but I believe that as long as I do it for the pure enjoyment (and obvious fitness benefits), I will be the fastest guy on two wheels. Every time I get the line through a corner right, or land a jump with ease, it will be awesome.

Have you lost the enjoyment you had in doing something you loved? Lose the timers, delete the tracking apps and go back to the Novice class - you will thank yourself.

Image Credit: © Creativecommonsstockphotos | Dreamstime Stock Photos

There you go, short and sweet;

The point is, as a n00b on Steemit, every action you take could have a profound affect on your account!
So if you see a post that made $100's, don't compare your post with it. Percentage wise, earnings on you post will likely have a much bigger impact on the value of your account.
And each post you make, improves the value of your account event more.

You are never as fast as when you are slow, and now every upvote / comment / view is something you should cherish, before the novelty wears off.
Enjoy the moment!

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