Kindergarten is the sick season


We’ve been through the ringer this school year. Since my littlest started kindergarten, we have experienced every illness sweeping the school. Currently, both Kid3 and I are down for the count. I’m dashing this off between involuntary naps. I usually write three posts a day. I don’t want you to think i’ve abandoned you!

Kid2 is off at a doctor appointment. She was supposed to start ISTEP testing today, but she’s at the tail end of this illness. She’s also recovering from whiplash—what her appointment is actually for. It’s been a long haul for her especially.

I’m supposed to teach tonight, but aside from the inability to stay consistently awake, I have no voice to speak of and a weird, barking cough. At the moment, I feel way better than I did yesterday. Due to asthma, these things have a way of occupying my chest. My head feels like a bowling ball but my chest feels pretty clear. Fingers crossed! I see my doctor tomorrow and will know more.

Sadly, I had to cancel my class tonight. That means I have to reschedule my class for tonight. This is a double-ugh situation because my schedule has been hellish.I’m not sure when I will fit another two hour session into a day, but I will. The not-ugh part of this is how very much I enjoy teaching. At least I don’t have to lose that time with my students completely!

You know me. There is always a bright side. 😊

I am very much looking forward to feeling better. Missing workouts? Not my jam. But my body is working really hard right now. It’s okay to not hit the gym while in recovery. Friends, it’s okay to take care of ourselves.

Let me say it again because it is important:

It is okay to take care of ourselves.

Think this reminder is just for you? Nope. I need it. I am struggling to not try to clean my way through this bedrest. But I need to rest. So mich so my body won’t stay upright. It’s okay to take a break.

It’s okay to take care of me.

It is also okay to ask for help. My husband took a day off to care for all three of our kids since two are sick and one is homeschooled. He has also been bringing me no-noodle soup with butter. Being sick doesn’t mean I fall off the keto wagon. I need to stick with my anti-inflammatory way of eating the most right now.

(Ooh, perfect place to tell you about one of my favorite writers here: @bethsjourney suggested the soup yesterday. Go follow, comment, upvote, resteem and otherwise enjoy her. She deserves it, and not just for rallying me to self-care. She’s genuinely amazing.)

Now to get back to Jane the Virgin, a wonderful riff on telenovelas that does not give me weird sick dreams if I fall asleep watching it. I will be responding to all the links in comments on my last post as soon as I’m feeling well. Please keep them coming!

In comments here,tell me:

How are you taking care of yourself?

Please forgive typos. I wrote this on my phone.

image of Kid3 from a week ago, during her last fever. I was sick then too. And here we are sick again together.

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