Remember Who You Are as the Year Rolls Over!

Dear Steemians,

As the year turns over, we are thinking about where we've been and where we want to go. New Year's resolutions can mire us in what we haven't done. Of where we once were. For that reason, I am re-sharing an image and idea from a couple of months ago in hopes it will server as a reminder that who we are is not who we were.

ā€œI forgive all past experiences.ā€

Old patterns are easy to fall back into, especially when negative self-talk creeps up. And that kind of talk usually begins when we realize we've set our goals too lofty. If we are to make resolutions, let them be achievable. Let us celebrate what we accomplish. Let us know ourselves as we are now, and let us forgive what we hoped to achieve but did not.

We are more than our histories. More than our nots. We are amazing, capable, gifted Steemians. I hope your New Year is wonderful.

Remember: You are loved!



card found and photographed in a therapist's lobby

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