My Brother @darthnava, My Inspiration

By now most of the Steemit members have learned of my brother's plight. Now let me tell you a bit about who he is to me and why he deserves to be helped.

My Brother @darthnava and my son, always a concerned uncle.

He was born with mild cerebral palsy, from the start he couldn't walk. Even if he could it would be difficult for him to do so. Growing up, I saw him crawling around the house. But he was normal as can be to me. As kids we played together, laughed together, even fought with each other. But he was my source of knowledge, especially about science, history and sci-fi stuff. He was like a walking encyclopedia to me and my younger brother. We consider him as the brainiac of the family. I would be an eager listener whenever he tells stories of what he just read, seen on movies or TV. He was also my confidante.

My brother @darthnava used to sit on the floor where he can crawl freely around the house

@darthnava with our younger brother, cousin and friend on his birthday

I know his struggles, at times when we fight he would mention how blessed we are, how we can go anywhere and see places. We can run and do things with ease while he would always need assistance most of the time. My mother would sometimes tell us he cries alone when nobody is around and he would be engulfed with self pity. This resulted to his depression and anxiety years ago. He was always afraid, fearful of his future. He wasn't able to go to college and he thought he couldn't earn money on his own.

@darthnava, our younger brother and me

Years later he was able to land a job online as an SEO specialist, it did help, he was able to make a bit of money but just enough to live day by day. Whenever we are in need of financial help, he offers his income to us especially to my younger brother and me. His hard earned money, although it's for his own expenses he wouldn't hesitate to share with no conditions just to pay him whenever able. He's that generous not just to the family but even more to our relatives who are less fortunate.

He is always helpful to the family, he is always concerned with our feelings especially to my mother whom he loves so much. In times of infighting within the family, he sides with the right and is never afraid to voice it out. He's always fair. He is my confidante and one you can rely on.

When he joined Steemit, the community gave him confidence to share his knowledge, plus an opportunity to save for his future. And now Steemit is raising funds most of all to save his life. Steemit proves that this is a real community with a heart.

For me he is an inspiration, Not one with physical strength but one with great emotional strength. Just like you who will be reading this, brothers or sisters no matter how hard life may be will always be there for each other. I know my brother will never leave my side no matter what.

I hope this will give you a glimpse of who he is in my family's life. His faith is even more restored when the Steemit community have responded to his plea.

Our family

With your numerous donations and votes, we are deeply grateful. Our family was stunned to learn that this community is willing to help especially to those who deserve and need it. We really didn't expect this. Thank you and may God bless your generous hearts.

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