Success Isn't Magic: The Worst Plan is Literally not Having a Plan/ What to Do When Things Seem Too Big and Impossible to Do

Hello friends! I wanted to drop in today, and let everyone know how my progress is going so far with overhauling my Steemit blog. Everyone always sees blogs with a bunch of upvotes and doing well, what do they have that I don't?

Planning, like a lot of planning.

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My goals on Steemit include getting more followers, making cool blogs that I would read, and producing good content on a consistent basis.

I just finished my midterm for Project Management I, and I wanted to share what I've learned and how I'm using it to help me on Steemit! This class is the stuff that supervisors and managers learn to properly run businesses. The important thing to remember is that to get a desired result or outcome, it's important to plan and do tasks that will get you there. Companies get big because they have plans and structures in place to track their progress before a project is finished. Even before a project is started!


A lot of the time, you won't see any results until the project is long finished. If you can make and do a plan, you can get results, many people get discouraged not knowing this, and thinking that big results are immediate. They aren't!


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This response from my professor made me really happy, I am keeping up with my plans for good grades! I have a 99.60% c: I talk about Work breakdown structure ( the physical work and tasks to do) and Product breakdown Structure (What the end-product is supposed to be).

My overhaul is going to be an ongoing change, starting with the internal structure of what I write and how. I want my posts to be easy to read and understand, so that I can attract a wider audience.


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Write With a Purpose

I wrote down the big steps that will take place to make my blogs better. This helps me know what to write ahead of time, and have a good scope of what my posts actually are. I used to like writing about anything that I wanted but I noticed two bad things that were not helping me.

  • I run on a long blog tangent that is hard to follow
  • I run out of ideas causing me to struggle about what to write

For my situation, it is smarter for me to make Blog prompts and take my super huge ideas and divide them into smaller segments, to get main points across. It will be easy to follow, and I can detail a certain thing one at a time! By dividing out work, it's easier to correct and make changes to, I also will not run out of ideas this way and can post more often.

Planning makes doing the actual work way easier. I will be doing design changes last, so when you see new images and art- I will have already finished the "writing upgrades".

It's Called Defining Scope

What is my blog? What is it not? What does it look like? By figuring out what these things are, it helps me make a formula of the things I need to do to stay within that image/definition. The goal of doing this is to build expectation on what my followers expect from me, and how I will deliver it. The goal is to get more followers!

The secret to being successful period- is planning, and following your plan while making changes when necessary. That goes with anything, if something feels too big or too hard to do, just break down all the big things into small things that you can do right now, and it will be easier to do.


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