Let's Talk: Fears (Part One)

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Absolutely magical. This genius’s work was beautiful and I can thoroughly recommend his work to anyone seeking enlightenment.

Let’s begin (:

We all have something that is holding us back.

Most people are not living to their full potential. I remember being paralyzed by fear during my time at school. Worried about failing my family and of course myself.

We for some strange reason indoctrinate our children to believe that if we fail our exams we fail our lives. We panic our children, we send shock waves throughout our children’s minds and we use young people’s fears a way to get “good” results.

I remember in preparation for my GCSEs being told if I fail them “I can kiss my future goodbye and apply at McDonald’s the next day”. As a 16 year old with severe anxiety…That didn’t help. Of course now I know full well that exams are never a good judge of a child’s intelligence, but at the time that was a huge strain on my already messed up mind.

For once I’m not alone on this one.

“A survey by the Scout Association revealed that 90% of teenagers in the UK (aged

between 13-18-years-old) felt under pressure to achieve high grades at school and in


-      (Scout Association, 2007)


“92 per cent of young people feel anxious about revision and exams. Some vulnerable

young people are turning to alcohol (14 per cent) and self-harm (8 per cent) to cope.”

- (Childline, 2011)

Are you kidding me?

Like seriously! 92% Ninety- F***ING two percent of young people feel anxious. Some (14 and 8% ) turning to self-harm and alcohol.

This is fear. Fear struck into the hearts and minds of us youth. 

This needs to be change. 

And it will.

Cause I want it to.

And as I said before I WILL be the pioneer I want to be (:

Tangent done.

Now I look back on my days at school and I wonder…Why was I so scared?

Why did I allow myself to become suicidal, anxious and stressed over all of this.

It wasn’t worth it. Never will be.

GCSEs/others exams remind me of that neighbor's dog that chases you up the street until you reach the door. You’re scared witless until one day you just can’t take it anymore you turn around ready to kick this dog in this face…Then you realize the poor dog doesn’t even have any teeth!

This dog seemed scary.

This dog seemed like it was the end of you.

And now after you faced the dog…You realize the poor dog is harmless.

That dog is our fears.

We all have fears. Fears hold us back. 

Les Brown describes fear as:





This right here. Is wisdom.

Now before I wrap this post up, I just want to point out that it’s perfectly fine and natural to have fears. As long as YOU have the fears and the fears don’t have you.

I’m not done talking about fears, but I think I’ve written enough for today (: 

A part two will come soon and I’ll conclude everything.

Love you all,


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