One love keep us together

In these days I'm thinking about some different things, but tonight my thoughts are focused and the same words: One love keep us together!

The last horrible terroristic actions in Europe, especially the last in Manchester during a show of Ariana Grande, had another bad effects: the panic. Few days ago, here in Italy (in Turin) many people thought to have been injured while they watched a soccher play on giant screens in one of te main place of the city.

"During the second half of the match loud bangs led to a sudden rush in the middle of the crowd, causing a surge that flung people against barriers." source

1527 people needed hospital treatment! Just for panic, just for a loud firecracker that was mistaken for  bomb. It's sad.

I think that the fear, the panic are not the right answer against terrorism, even if I really can understand the fear, believe me.

Instead, the thing that I can't understand is people who watch other people with suspect and say very bad words against them, just for the color of their skin or for their religion or other things. 

This  make me very sad, because  some of my friends (italian citizen, born in Italy, people who work hard in Italy, but with a different color of the skin) who are discriminated just because these terroristic acts generate more and more racism.

So, "One love keep us together!"

Night night


silvia beneforti

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