The blue bus and my first public debate

I didn't publish posts today because I was a bit in anxiety for my first public debate in the evening.

So, I studied (again) everything about the themes for the debate and I tried to quite myself walking up and down on the street close to my home, as a city bus ^_^

The themes was about the social policies. 


I have to explain that Italy is a democratic Republic, the politics is conducted throught the Parlamentary Repubblic with a Multy party system, the powers (executive, legislative and judiciary) are separated. The first level of the administrative divisions are the Regions, autonomous entities with powers (the powers od Region are in our Constitution) and each of them (except Val D'Aosta) is divided into Provinces that are divided in Municipality. Also the Provinces and the Municipalities have their own powers defined in our Constitution.

So, as you can understand, every Municipality has own powers and can decide on the rules (in respect of the European and Italian law, sure) about the government of the city. The Municipalities have a certain degree of statutory, regulatory, organizational, tax and financial autonomy for many fields, for example on the education service, for the commercial activities, for the social support of people in needed, etc.

As I wrote in my previous posts, in my city there will be the election for the new Mayor and, for the first time in my life (problably the last ^_^) I'm busy in the political campaign. So, today I had my first public debate (usually the Mayor candidate is the person who talk during the debates, but today she was busy in another debate so she ask me to replace her), the debate was about social fields in my city and after hours and hours of pure anxiety, it was fantastic!!! I'm very proud to say that it was the first time in my life (and problably the last ^_^ ) to speak  on a political public debate with people who have very different ideas from mine and who have a long polical experience, but at the end of the debate I received more appreciations, so I'm really proud ^_^

I'm so tired and I need to come back to my art, but I hhave to do it just for another week and after I'll come back to share just my artwork and my positive thoughts ^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

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