Sharing Personal Open-Mind Experience 24/11/2017

Hello Steemian do you ever ponder sometimes about just how powerful and amazing the human brain is or how its said that we are barely using its full potential?
There are still many unsolved mysterious on how the brain really works and how we can use more of its power if we arent using it all already as some claim we are only using about %10

I wont go into this debate here but I do want to talk about a weird example of how the brain works in strange ways or perhaps its just my brain that is weird lol.


Ok so we all like music right? Well sometimes I like to make up my own music in my head, I can think of sound in my head and then I can use the voice box (larynx) to try mimic the sounds I imagined.

Is this crazy or have you done this also?

Anyway while I was working the other day I sort of switched off and was living in my head for a while I started to try and makeup a new song with my mind.
I started by thinking what the theme was going to be for so perhaps for a movie or game but knew it would be involving its main heroic characters.
Once I thought of it I started to try and piece it together with humming.
Strangely I have spent most of the week tweaking and humming this tune I invented in my head while working doing the mindless boring tasks.

Humans Are Born To Create

What was driving me insane during the week is I was sure what I invented came from a section of music from either a game or song but for the life of me I couldn't think where it came from.

Has I was already in the mindset on thinking about possible games the music could of came from after about 3 days I decided to extend the song by mixing it with another small section of theme from a game.
That game happened to be Mario Party from Luigi's engine room theme, random eh?

Game: Mario Party

Mario Party Luigi's Engine Room Theme

Why did I do this?
Well actually I didn't while humming the sound I invented I automatically without noticing started humming the Mario Party Luigi's engine room theme after my original piece of the theme ran out, but not the whole theme only a small part of it, which then made me realise both sounds are similar and actually continue the theme very well together.

So I had the sound for a theme in my head all I really needed was some simple lyrics which strangely my brain came up with really quickly.

So now I had the complete theme and its lyrics the next thing I thought about was who's voice would be a good fit for the kind of song I made up.

Quickly I thought of a few voices and found the perfect one.
What I then realised was strangely the original theme I had invented a week ago or atleast I thought I had invented was from a section of sound from the artist that I had just thought would be a good match to sing the song in my mind....


I found this crazy weird because it was from a cover version of a song which I heard way back in 1998 from the artist!!
Its now 2017 people! In my conscious mind this singer didn't even exist anymore.

Anybody ever played that game where you ask yourself question and see what solutions your brain comes up with to justify logic?

The point is I am amazed at the weird complex things that are going on in our brain this is just a simple version of some weird coincidences that happen in our mind.

Another weird brain example is according to Sam Parnia a director of intensive care and resuscitation research in New York doctors medically define death from the moment the heart stop beating but Sam Parnia says that its only the first phase of death has the person can still experience a form of consciousness.

The sources and evidence of this would be in those cases you hear about where apparently even after the heart has stopped but soon returns to working order patients have been able to describe very accurately what was happening around them at that the exact time the heart stopped!!

Ok all very weird and personal stuff here which made me a little hesitant to put this out but I hope I haven't scared you all away lol.... huh hello?


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