Imprinting in our lives

What is imprinting? This phenomenon many years ago was opened by the Austrian animal psychology Konrad Lorenz. He noticed that animals inherit their parents ' behaviour, for example he slipped valuewise ducklings for mum - rubber ball, and the ducks saw him as its parent.

Partly something similar happens in our lives. Many emotions and experiences leave a mark on the psyche that often affects the rest of his life, character and behavior.


The word imprinting comes from the English "imprint" which means to leave a mark, to imprint, to mark. Imprinting is recorded in the memory of the significant information that occurs at a certain time, when the body is sensitive and receptive to something new.

In certain situations, people are characterized by a selective openness, this receptivity, in which the fixation occurs, the basic values, sexual, ethnic, or many others.

The imprints are important in terms of choosing a life partner, religion, place of residence, scope of work etc. They can influence the total installation and even abilities of the person, his interests and preferences. Many girls prefer to chat with a fun and playful guys, another interesting brutal man, and why do we have such different preferences... We all have experienced the imprints, which have affected our way of life, our communication, career, Hobbies and character.


Anyone can be in the particular trap because of their obsession in any way, style of clothing, technology, political direction, adherence to a special diet (diet), religious belief, group.

There is a theory by Timothy Leary - neurology for education, who believed that the early stage of imprinting starts in the early childhood of a person.

  • When the mother is for a child and the power source, and area security. The mother gives the needed warmth and a sense of security, and reveals your child those needs in which he feels the need.

  • Imprinting with the development environment, the development of certain habits. Adults and children in such periods tend to develop a possessive. To begin to reclaim your space (starting with a personal room in the house), a selection of favorite toys or things, eating habits.

  • Verbal imprinting, in which the possible partial memorization of sounds and symbols. You need to follow the speech culture in the family, not to use profanity that can hear the baby, rude communication with neighbors or on the phone. The child absorbs everything like a sponge, and to retrain a lot harder than learning on a personal positive example.

In today's world each of us needs to develop some critical, not to trust everyone indiscriminately, as in these days, many advertising companies have a clear focus on suggestible and gullible people.

They use and beliefs, and the desired psychological attitudes, and expectations that we attach great importance, but it take for selfish commercial purposes. Marketers, present us with certain needs, stimulate demand of the population for often unnecessary purchases...

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