Too many words, not enough time. Too much time. Never enough words. Isn't that how "it" is "supposed" to be?

Hey Again, Steemitizens!

The other day I wrote the first poem I've written in decades, and surprisingly it was well received. It was really a very personal and cathartic thing to put "out there" and I did it for purely selfish reasons.

While it was intended to reach a very specific audience of one, I'm grateful that it was enjoyed by some other readers and flattered, honored and gratified by the response it received.

Since then I've had a very emotional week. Some reasons relate to events in my personal life, and some reasons relate to co-experiencing some of my dear friend's experiences both in chats online with steemit friends and offline with local friends.

There must be something in the season because emotions have been pouring out of hearts all around me. From Nigeria in Africa, to unknown parts of Australia to Massachusetts, Florida, and Virginia in the USA and to my own office chair in North Carolina, I've heard and shared stories of grief, sadness, hope, change, fear, happiness, anger, disgust and romance.

I've stayed up past my bedtime and kept others up past their's evaporating hours of sweet and bittersweet shared moments in deep and heartfelt philosophical conversations with people of nearly every type imaginable. Some in short intense moments, and some in all night or all day long ongoing conversations.

In all of these, a single recurring theme has been showing up for me over and over throughout the week.

Too many words, not enough time. Too much time. Never enough words.

Though each exchange was critical in its occurrence and couldn't be discounted as unimportant at all, the most important ones to me that I found myself most engaged in, were naturally the conversations where I've been feeling my way into a new friendship with what we will just call "a person of interest" for now.

She is a fairly new friend, and rapidly becoming a fast friend thus far. She is one whom I have an obvious and undeniable crush on, as silly as that sounds for a 48 year old man to admit, and the exploratory, sometimes awkward, always enjoyable discourse continues to unfold towards a most certainly uncertain future.

There is so much I want to say to this person. So much I want to hear them tell me. Stories, experiences, histories, hopes, dreams and goals. But there is never enough time in the real world to explore all these realms and fantasies.

Too many words, not enough time.

Conversely, as I said, we've spent hours in these conversations, perhaps allowing them far too much time, if one gauges use of time in terms of productivity and accomplishment towards various tangible life requirements like say, getting the laundry done.

Too much time. Never enough words.

Even so, with all this time applied, too much time, there were never enough words. I want to spend every second talking to this person and I think, we could probably do it for years to come and never run out of things to talk about.

As I said above, there is a certain amount of uncertainty in these conversations. An ironic, serendipitous two way street of profound, eloquent, and elaborate unknowns. As many mysteries remain to be resolved as there are rings in the tree of life and I desperately find myself wanting to count and touch them all.

For all the minutes, hours and days that have passed, and all that has been said and shared, there still haven't been enough words passed between us to fill my appetite for the sounds and expressions of this person's beautiful heart, mind and soul.

Isn't that how "it" is "supposed" to be?

And just like that, this post is over.

Full steem ahead, steemitizens!


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