Dad gets wrecked!

As the kids are so fond of saying these days... "you got wrecked!"

Well cut off my legs and call me 'Shorty' - I sure did.

And I blame it all on bamboo!

So I get home from work - I give the kids a quick hug and MrsKnight gets a customary pat on the backside and kiss... you know the drill. Just your ordinary happy family.

But as the man of the house I pride myself on being wise, on all matters of subject.

Well today my middle boy, 9, says:

"Dad, our teacher told us today that bamboo can grow nearly 1 meter per day!"

My initial thoughts were - you have got to be shitting me right. What kind of teacher would mess up the minds of kids, informing them that a plant can grow 1 meter per day.

More to the point, I just though my son had his measurements wrong.

My measured response "son, there is no way in the wide world of bitcoin, that a plant can grow 1 meter a day."

Then the argument began - well my teacher said so... and my teacher knows what they are talking about.

"Son", I said - "I will prove it to you."

Get on my mobile - Google search - 'Bamboo growth rate.'

You have got to be kidding me...

Straight from Wikipedia -

'Bamboos include some of the fastest-growing plants in the world, due to a unique rhizome-dependent system. Certain species of bamboo can grow 91 cm (3 ft) within a 24-hour period, at a rate of almost 4 cm (1.5 in) an hour (a growth around 1 mm every 90 seconds, or one inch every 40 minutes).'

So, brave SirKnight was left dragging his tail between his legs, as the rest of the family gloated and laughed and mocked, all through dinner.

I had - just one of those 'Dad' moments.

I am... SirKnight.


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