I can still remember when I was eight like it was yesterday when my dad always beat my mom up. It was so terrible that he will lock us up in the bedroom myself and my three younger siblings all girls.

Back then, though I was young but I use to think why is this woman taking all the beating and she's not speaking out or asking for help.

My dad was a Reverend in an Anglican church and whenever I see him preach in the church especially when it's about how to build a good and Christian home, it makes me wanna puke.

Domestic violence don't always affect the woman alone but it leave a permanent scar on the children. Male children thinks that's what makes them superior and they end up growing up to be like their father if they are not given a proper orientation.

Seriously, women and children need to start speaking up. Don't allow anybody to block your voice because if you don't, that your boyfriend or husband will beat you to death one day and he will move to the next victim.

My immediate younger sister who is also married is also suffering from domestic violence because her husband sees her as a bunching bag. In this part of Africa, Nigeria to be specific, they believe that whatever that is happening in your family should not be disclosed to outsiders as there is no perfect family but I believe people should not keep quiet it about domestic violence as this is fast growing in our society and its becoming a norm.

Domestic violence is also taking over homes of our celebrities here in Nigeria and abroad.
Let's come together to kick against it. Let's be the voice of the voiceless and strength to those that are weak.

Let's speak out and say no to this monster.

I will soon write about causes of domestic violence.

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