Behind The Scenes: Video Shoot + Wild Animal Adventure In Barcelona

The weather in Barcelona is always amazing during the summer months! As we were staying at the top of the mountain called Tibidabo, we decided to shoot a little dance video, which I shared in my previous "4.000 Follower" Post.

Today, I'd like to share some behind the scenes footage of that day with you!   

Tibidabo is with 512 metres the tallest mountain in Serra de Collserola. It offers spectacular views over Barcelona and the surrounding coastline, and the Sagrat Cor Church and neighbouring Tibidabo Amusement Park are located at the summit. Fortunately our hotel was located right next to the Sagrat Cor Church where we found some amazing viewing platforms. One of them presented us a magnificent view over the city and this is actually the location where the magic happened. We luckily got the chance to capture the sunset while dancing one of my newest choreographies.   It was a lot of fun filming the scenes and I enjoyed the nature around us as well.   

The viewing platform was only approximately 50 meters away from our hotel lobby, that's why we used this little walk as a warm up. 

A dancer should always warm up first before performing any exercise or steps that require extraordinary movement, but there was literally no time because the sun set so fast and we desperately wanted to catch the light . 

To make sure that our viewers enjoy high quality videos, we set up and tested all our equipment that we brought to Tibidabo.

The video was recorded with the new Go Pro Hero5 black. It actually has an advanced video stabilization built in, so we didn't need an extra stabilizer which made it easy to record.


We needed to record quickly because the sun was about to set. 

The daylight is especially important for video shoots and we wanted to catch the gloomy atmosphere and beautiful light of the golden hour, so we needed to hurry up before the sun would have disappeared... The choreography was created back in Germany and since I had discovered this special location, it was obvious for me that I was going to shoot some videos right here, above the clouds. 

Every time we record something, we always give it our all and use our energy to the fullest.

That's the reason why we needed a short break to regenerate our strength and breathe for a moment. But the break is sometimes used for some final touch ups. Then someone came up with the idea to order pizza and it didn't take long to arrive - although we were at the top of a mountain.

 You won't believe what happened after the pizza arrived....

A wild boar appeared out of the bushes and ran over to the food - he must have smelled it all the way from the bushes on the other side. Of course the girls were scared, ran away and the boar had enough time to swallow the hot and fresh pepperoni pizza we ordered. After a few moments of shock, everyone calmed down and it turned out that the wild boar is not as dangerous as we initially thought. Fortunately we recorded the experience to be able to share this scary situation with you. 


Next time we visit the "magic mountain"  we definitely won't bring pizza up there. 

But the day wasn't over yet. After we successfully completed the shoot, we decided to put on some longer clothes and go outside to see if the wild boar would still be there to feed it with some pizza leftovers. It took us quite some time to figure out where the wild boar was hiding but as soon as it smelled the pizza, it ran towards us. 

Have you had any experiences with wild boars?

The day was an actual adventure that we will never forget. As I already wrote in my last post, I recommend visiting this mountain as soon as you're in Barcelona. It is not far away from the city center and cabs are also very cheap. 

Last but not least I want to show you the final version of the dance video.

-------------> Click here to watch the video! <-------------


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