Come With Me On My Breakfast Hunt - Introducing Mr. Gourmet

I hope you guys had a delicious breakfast as well, tell me about your favorite dishes so I can try those as well!

When I woke up this morning, I found out some bad news - my fridge was empty! And my belly too.
I have been so busy working and reading and writing Steemit posts lately, that I totally forgot to go grocery shopping.

I thought about ordering food or use a grocery delivery service, but let's not overdo it. 

So what did I want to eat?
Cornflakes (no that's too simple), Full English Breakfast (too heavy), Toast (too dry), or ... waffles?

But not any waffles - special gourmet waffles!

What's better for breakfast than waffles?

I know we all work hard here on Steemit but sometimes it's also good to get some fresh air.

So let me take you with me on my waffle adventure!

I was hungry, so I quickly jumped into my car and drove to the waffle Café.
I didn't get a parking spot close by, but I didn't care, so I just parked on the side of the road (Fees are not as high here in germany than in the US - I can remember doing the same move in L.A. and being towed away, but that's a different story).

So let's get back to the waffles. Sorry - Gourmet Waffles.

I got out the car, only to see that there was an extremely long line in front of the shop.

I forgot that the kids were on summer vacation already - and what do teenagers do when they don't have school? Eat waffles, what else!

It smells beautifully of freshly baked waffles and molten chocolate - my stomach is growling.

Well at least I can think about what I want to get while getting in line.
This Café only sells waffles - and you can choose from a variety of toppings. Based on a Subway-like-Concept, they have all the toppings laid out at the counter and you can choose what you want on your waffle.

Waffle. Nutella. Strawberries. Blueberries. Kinder Chocolate. Drizzle of Caramel Sauce. Powdered Sugar.

Voilà! Let me introduce you to my Gourmet Breakfast for today:

The waffle had a perfect consistency, fluffy on the inside but a little crispy on the outside. Perfect temperature. Nutella: molten. Perfect balance between sour fruitiness and sweet chocolate. And with every other bite, a hint of Caramel Sauce - not too much, but not too little either.

Très bien! (French) HARMONYYYYYYYYY! subarashii! (Japanese) unglaublich! (German)

I forgot how good this tastes. Even better than in my memory. I definitely ate too quickly - I feel like I didn't get the waffle the attention that it deserved.
I also didn't chew enough because I was too hungry.

'Should I take another waffle?'
No, the line is way too long ...

I love to travel around the world, trying different cuisines and specialities, taking my tongue on an Adventure and exploring different tastes.

Mr. Gourmet a.k.a. Winchester

But before going home, I decided to get myself a T-Shirt made as a little Souvenir  ...

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