Mr. Gourmet's Dessert Galore!

I love all various kinds of desserts - fruity, chocolatey, sweet, hot, cold... no matter what!
It was a beautiful, sunny day today in northern Germany - so after my dance class, we decided to visit ultimate dessert heaven!

There's a small Café close to the harbor, offering the most stunning ice creames and sundaes, milkshakes, cakes, waffles and more.

Basically, anything sweet and delicious!
It was just a perfect snack for a sunny spring day, and we could even sit outside in the sun with a view over the harbor.

And then the food arrived...


Just look at this tower of chocolate- and vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream and sprinkles!

As a 2nd option we went for a nutty version of the sundae: vanilla ice cream with caramel syrup and whipped cream, topped with chopped hazelnuts and walnuts.

I tried to have a little bit of everything with every bite - and the mixture between cold ice cream, sweet syrup, crunchy sprinkles and fluffy whipped cream was absolutely perfect!

But just ice cream wouldn't have been enough - I was craving some fruit and a waffle as well!

I love fresh strawberries, so when I saw this waffle with strawberries, whipped cream and vanilla ice cream on the menu, I simply had to get it!
The waffle was fresh and still warm, so the vanilla ice cream was slightly melting.

The creamy consistency in combination with the sweet whipped cream and the flavourful strawberries was incredible!

Originally, I had planned to eat something savory after this dessert galore - but actually, all the ice cream and whipped cream had filled me up quite a lot!
We enjoyed our desserts while watching the sun set beautifully over the harbor.

I can't wait to come back here and try different variations of the sundae and the waffle!


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